Not a "People" Person

Weirdly, I came out of the Crown with more love for Matt Smith as an actor and person than when I went in, even though I really can’t stand Prince Philip and think he’s am embarrassing old fossil. I actually thought Smith did a great job of conveying the attitudes and expectations of manhood at that time and I felt I

Was that the winter of 2016? That was the one where down here in Iowa people were throwing pans of boiling water outside to see it instantaneously freeze.

Awww what a cutie! I only have kitties to snuggle with, and one of them is in disgrace tonight for finally defeating her arch-nemesis the water dispenser by overturning it onto the kitchen floor just after it had been refilled. 

“she said that she had an over-the-top Christmas every year growing up and she wants the same for her kids”

Does anyone have any suggestions for easy but impressive Christmas-suitable main dishes? I love doing Christmas but this year I have been working very long hours and dealing with a lot of stress, so I don’t have the time or energy to do anything too intricate. I don’t do Turkey on general principle and I’ve done

TBH, I was underwhelmed. I felt that that story itself was very cliched and it didn’t balance the humor and drama as well as Marvel films usually do.

Soooo, this seems like as good a place as any to admit: I may still have some of my own teeth that were removed when I needed a brace when I was 16.

I’m more the nice but dull kind. There are many sterling qualities about my lifestyle, but narrative excitement isn’t really one of them.

Ahhh, that time when I had to correct a student’s essay because he claimed the US army was history’s most superior fighting force because they had never had a draft.

I’m honestly not sure how many people like watching shows about people like them. I wouldn’t want to watch a show about me.

Y’know, I actually think she looks good there. Like a real person would.

I mean, I think they’d both be terrible in different ways. BUT. Nick seems like he’d work for it more.

My actual favorite is Vuelie from the opening credits. Whenever I hear that one I tear up, and I don’t really understand why.

Fair enough. I think people sometimes bend themselves into knots trying to make Dylan into this entirely authentic rebellious genius and I’m honestly not convinced, even though I really quite enjoy his work.

Yeah, the thing is I have a hard time taking this “Dylan doesn’t play by your RULES” thing seriously when he’s also endorsed Apple, Victoria’s Secret, and Cadillac, among others. I don’t think this is due to any particular stance over the Nobel prize and it would be a mistake to attribute it to that. I think he’s just

For any other prize, no, it’s not unusual. For the Nobel prize, yeah, it’s unusual. Either people decline it or they tend to show up.

I will NEVER forgive them for blocking up a central air well/garden space in one of the houses they did. It was VERY seventies but in the best way- big glass windows on each floor of the house looking in with a entrance leading into the kitchen. The last owners had done a dessert-garden type thing. And they bricked up

True. Honestly, I say I can’t stand certain things, but ultimately it depends on the house itself. I hate going into a beautiful Victorian and seeing a white Ikea kitchen, but it’s just as bad as a French country kitchen in a tract house. I think people need to let the nature of their home shape how they decorate

My husband looked in at one briefly, thought about it for a while, then said “But I don’t want to live in a chicken shed.”

* Shudder* Remember the peach of the really early nineties? At least white goes with pretty much every other color. If you’re going to do one backdrop neutral, white is probably the best option there is.