Not a "People" Person

I don’t mind white kitchens, tbh. If you accept from the get-go that you’ll need to spot clean they aren’t terrible to maintain, and they visually read as clean and hygienic. They also make small spaces look bigger and white appliances (which I hate, but are usually cheaper than SS) look better with them. I also

No, it’s not just you, it’s awful. There is a store somewhere around here that sells that shit- banana trees made out of old fence and crap- called Chicken Shed Primitives, so now all I can call it in my head is Chicken shed.

Nah man, outer Hebrides or bust.

Weirdly, we could afford a much nicer house in Minneapolis than we currently have in fuckyoutooville, IA. When I found that out I was all “This is the wrong way round, surely.”


“In this house, we have unnecessarily long, virtue-signalling, and odiously twee lists of made-up rules that we pretend we live by to cover up the raging void in our souls.”

Plus you can turn your music up as loud as you want. One of my favorite things in the world is cooking spaghetti or risotto while drinking and singing along with my tunes.

My husband won’t shut the damn bedroom door if he can possibly help it. He’s an only child and had the only bedroom on his floor of the house, so that’s what he’s used to, but I hate it so much.

They buy their art wholesale from the same suppliers as Bed Bath and Beyond, you mean.

Want a house with character, then strip all that out and make a track house

I think the people who love tiny houses are people who’ve never lived in one. I am talking about tiny, though- we don’t have kids and we would happily go down to 800 sq ft. But I’m also the kind of person who throws out things instead of therapy, so there’s that.

Eat-in-kitchen with a separate living room is the way to go. We’re thinking of moving soon and I have concluded that the only reason we would want a formal dining room is to use it as a study.

I think boarding schools today, especially in the UK, suffer from the prescriptive legacy of the Victorian/Edwardian era, when you sent your children away if you were of a certain class because it was the done thing and considered to build character. I’m sure some of them are still horrible, but some state schools are

I think it’s just further evidence that A) the Trumps may not be entirely prepared for the presidency and B) they have too many yes-people around them.

Yes. Private letter to the young man who actually made the video, and a short and well-framed public statement to the effect that their son is entitled to privacy (if they REALLY felt the need to rebut, which, ya’know, good luck with the next four years if so...)

Right? “The vast majority of the time he claps normally????!!” Come on woman, this is just a recipe to have people staring at your child’s hands every time he appears in public.

The major problem with her current approach is that she’s simply not going to be able to stop people talking about her son in a public forum like the internet. She can (and I think should) sue publications like TMZ or any media publication that does so, but she’s simply not going to be able to shut down every blog,

It’s concerning. I also personally think that, even if they do find evidence of hacking, there will be a sizable portion of people who will be unable or unwilling to accept such evidence. Part of what made the emails “scandal” so sticky is that, let’s be honest, the majority of people don’t really understand how

I did them last Christmas for the first time with lemon and rosemary and they were super-easy- plus all four of them fit in one pan on top of the veg!

Ugh, my FIL is like this. Last Thanksgiving we were all supposed to be travelling to WI but things fell through at the last minute, so we asked my in-laws over to ours for chilli. All he kept saying things like “Well, it’s not roast turkey but it’s very good” and insisted on making Cranberry sauce. I’m not cooking for