Not a "People" Person

I really don’t care for turkey. The only time I’ve liked it was at a friend’s house where he had a turkey fryer, and that mother was MOIST. But even then the actual taste was like dull chicken. I’d really rather do a chicken or some Cornish game hens (known in our house as “Tiny Wee Chickens”).

Yeah, I went to grad school at KU and I can confirm that floating, non-contextual K’s are pretty common there. Can’t decide if it’s better or worse Big Jay being on ever damn thing.

Yeah, someone above linked to the seller’s website and these are official or at any rate manufactured (also ugly, and ludicrously expensive) sweaters. It’s difficult to say whether these guys were intentionally doing the KKK thing or it’s just an unfortunate grouping the jackass girl took advantage of.

I like Hallelujah a lot, but it’s never been one of my favorites. I think it’s interesting that the song never really found it’s feet until John Cale performed it after Cohen sent him the verses and basically told him to do what he could with it. I personally like Cohen’s Live in London performance of it best, but I

Yeah, the double-think is bewildering. I personally can’t muster up much of an opinion about Melania, she seems to have played the cards she was dealt to her own benefit and that’s about it, but let’s not pretend that if she wasn’t legally attached to the president elect right now these women wouldn’t be tearing her

People tell me I’m a cynical misanthropist when I say that I can’t wait for the ice caps to melt and the polar bears to migrate south and devour us all.

“You don’t even need to see a photo to know their fashion sense is ‘floral’.”

Yep, Michelle Obama, Princeton and Harvard graduate, lawyer, activist and philanthropist. Less classy than Melania Trump, the ex-model who married money.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, “Coon music?!?” That’s some old-fashioned family racism, right there...

“Those who know me know that I’m not of [sic] any way racist!”

Also, the Beast KNOWS HE IS TERRIBLE. That’s why he locks himself away for years and years. If Donald Trump were magically transformed into a half-man, half-beast hybrid, A) That might actually be an improvement and B) He’d call the enchantress a pathetic hater, then saunter/waddle down to the village and throw ducats

THANK YOU. I was born and raised in a working class, post-industrial region. I don’t call myself working-class because my parents were upwardly-mobile and me and my sister were the first generation in our family to attend post-secondary education. But on behalf of my working-class relatives and friends, I am sick and

Yes. It’s shaking out to look like the vast majority of Americans either agree with Trump’s campaign, or do not care enough to disagree with him.

Yeah, this hit me this morning, because I keep seeing that “54% of white women voted for Trump!” and stupidly thinking it’s not THAT bad because actually it’s only 54% of the white women who voted.

I can’t write in cursive at all, but I do think being able to print clearly is not an outdated skill. Some of the exams I graded were so bad I would have to call the student into my office to explain what the words were meant to be. Now, to be fair no-one writes at their best under a time restriction, but it was

Yep. I was a TA in graduate school and this looks like the average level of penmanship from the handwritten assignments and exams I used to grade. I’m talking young adults between 18-20 here. The sentence structure and grammar is about right too.

Yes, and I hate this so much. I used to be so good at pooping, too. Now it’s like “Am I done? I’m not done. Am I going to have to dig it out?” Awful.

“Through the days of shame that are coming,

This so much. I work in a fairly diverse office in a (now) red state- I knew that a few people there were going to vote Trump, and I knew a few who wouldn’t be, but most people don’t go into politics at work. I had a horrible feeling he was going to win, so I wasn’t exactly shocked, but I wasn’t prepared for how

It’s so awesome that you’re fostering! If I wasn’t out of the house for ten hours plus every day I would love to foster. Our local shelter was recently advertising a 15 year-old pug who had just had to have bother her eyes removed, and I just started tearing up at working thinking about her being in the shelter. I