Not a "People" Person

I want to go into a semsory deprivation tank until this election is over.

Or, as I like to say “Just because someone’s poor and underprivileged doesn’t mean they’re not also a huge jerk.”

Yeah, you know what happens when I bend over in low-waisted jeans? They fall off. Never happening again!

I’v just started only buying things in black, grey, and denim because it’s easier. Everything goes with everything else and I can have exciting boots and necklaces and bags and shit (or, you know, I could do if I had any money).

Samsies. I felt like such a bitch the other week because one of my Facebook friends/real life acquaintances went on a rant about how “Skinny jeans don’t suit anyone! Stop selling skinny jeans, stores!!!” and about 15 people were all about how “real” she was being, and I just wanted to drop the anvil of “I’ve been

Oh God yes. I was re-watching some of the earlier seasons this week (these are the only ones that are even mildly watchable to me, and then Donald Trump turns up in an episode and I had to leave. My own house.) and buy, they really went out of their way to dowdy her up.

Yeah, when we asked the clerk at the store what flea repellent we should get (this was when we had our dog) he told us not to bother. Turns out he was in school for Veterinary Entomology. Essentially your best bet is to clean the shit out of your home, not let your yard get overgrown, and pray.

I agree with this. Lovely bone structure, good symmetry, but there’s no instinctual, animalistic attraction there for me. Maybe for others? Basically, I would have the same feelings toward a line sketch of Leo as towards the actual person.

It would also be of a piece with the Puritan Christian ethic that still runs through a lot of American culture (I am assuming here that this friend was American). Beauty is basically about pleasure in appearance, and why would you insult a man by associating him with that frivolous, self-indulgent stuff. Women can be

It’s quite true though, we are a bunch of wankers.

I’ve honestly never heard it being used as a derogatory term in real life. And I’ve only seen Home Alone once, when I was very young. I’m British though, so maybe that’s the difference? I’ve only ever heard it used to express an animalistic, hind-brain appreciation of a foxy individual.

I’d say more like this guy.

Frankly, I can appreciate a nice body on anyone. Women or men. Whether or not I’d do the business with them is another thing entirely for me- some people are just fun to look at.


Yes, the houses look all the same. It’s not my taste, which is one thing, but it also seems like Joanna can’t do anything else (even when the clients seem like they really want her too), which is another. I remember they redid a lovely mid-century house that had a central courtyard garden area with big picture windows

It doesn’t help that jewelry is soooo personal. And a lot of people (not just men) cannot do the essential trick, which is putting aside your own taste and getting something not that they think looks good, but that the other person thinks looks good.

I often wish I had really tried hard to see how far I could have gone with my art. I wasn’t the most talented kid in our class but right towards the end of my school years we were allowed to work with clay and sculpture materials, and I dug that so hard, and turned out a number of pieces my art teacher raved about. I

I felt extremely guilty about trying on one of her dresses at TJ Maxx, and even more guilty for looking really, really damn good in it. Aside from it being about a foot too long (I’m real short so that always happens) it could have been made to measure for me. I didn’t buy it because I’m broke and because I really did

I hear you. I too am short and pear shaped and these are designed for women with lovely legs, so that they look delicate like Bambi. I’m glad these ladies are having a glut of options right now, but it does make me regret not buying 10 times as many fit-and-flare ponte dress and high-waisted midi skirts about 2 years

Yeah, I have been leaving comments all over this thread saying these area good style for women with good gams. And you’re right, the legs seem to hold up to the progress of time better than almost any other body part (looks down at ample, gently sagging bust and sighs).