Not a "People" Person

I bet she has kick-ass legs. All the women I’ve seen looking good in these have killer pins. If I wore them I’d probably be mistaken for an ambulatory credenza.

I think the thing is, and why I agree with Ellie, is that the dresses in the article are not swing dresses. Swing dresses are supposed to have a little bit of shape and fluidity. The above are sitting riiiiiiiiiiiiight in that horrible spot between a pencil skirt and an A-line. On someone like me, they would be

In a really weird place atm. My husband was made redundant a month ago when his firm went bust and is having trouble finding work in our area. He is the main breadwinner and without his wage we cannot afford to keep our house, which also needs renovating. He is swinging back and forth between frustration and

TJMaxx is great for homewares. You never know what you’re going to get there but you would definitely spend less than $300. I also like World Market.

My husband’s grandparents lived at a fantastic facility for the last years of their lives. It was one big complex with the upper levels arranged as apartments for couples and people who were still mostly independent. The middle floors were bedsits for people who needed more help, and the ground floor was hospice care.

I mean, this just confirms my suspicions that nursing homes are just dorms for old people. And since I loved dorms the first time around I don’t understand why they have to be so depressing. By the time Millenials head to theirs (three minutes after retirement at age 85, assuming we don’t keel over on the job obvi) it

I remember that when she broke up with Harry from Wand Erection there was a gossip piece doing the rounds claiming he broke up with her because she didn’t want to have sex and only wanted to go antiquing and things. Which actually made me like her a bit more.

It also depends how well they take care of it. Lin’s always looked clean and shiny, and he doesn’t seem to have let it get too long, but a lot of men with longer hair do not maintain it right. My husband had long hair for years and I was so happy when he cut it off. No more bitching about tangles but refusing to use

Yeah this is what I’m thinking. This advert (and I deeply suspect most of these dietary supplements) has nothing to do with getting fit or healthy. Otherwise this woman would be lifting/throwing something or jumping or whatnot, not standing splay-legged and pouting for the camera. It’s about telling someone they have

Honestly, I think the LW probably hopes/thinks that if she tells her niece how dangerous her father is/ can be, the niece will cut him out of her life. I think she’s given up on ever telling her sister because she thinks she’ll disbelieve her or stay with her husband anyway. Her niece is 20 and is old enough now to

I personally think her logic is that her niece is now an adult and has an opportunity to break away from her father and forge her life without him. It’s certainly not a given that the sister will be more receptive because she’s his wife- it’s just as likely that she will react by denying or minimizing, everything,

I agree with this so much. And I will fully admit that I am someone who cries a lot and finds a lot of catharsis in crying. But the things that make me cry generally aren’t the things that people who are trying to make me cry expect me to cry about. It’s like those “inspirational” quotations on pinterest set against a

I agree that it varies hugely, but it’s not just the sector you work in, it’s the role too. I’m currently in a training for an administrative/ back office position at a mid-sized financial firm and I’ve seen all sorts on the floor in the first month or so. The dress code is “business casual,” which I maintain is an

Welsh! But my mam is truly the best.

I too love the Chelsea flower show. When I was still in the UK my mam and I had a weekly date to watch Gardener’s World with a couple of glasses of wine, and their Chelsea coverage is always great. We would bitch about the kitchy gardens and debate about how we were going to get “vertical height” into her long,

I haven’t tried anything on on Zara for years, but I remember them as being very inconsistent when it came to fit fit but consistently small. Like, I’m a pear shape, and my (at the time size UK 12) bust would be absolutely swaddled in a size L dress but the bottom would be swimming on me, which was the opposite of how

I kind of agree and disagree with this. I am a very different person around my friends verses around my husband verses around my co-workers verses around my family. And that’s how it should be. It’s not that I’m being inauthetic with any of them, it’s just that differing situations call upon different aspects of our

One of my very close friends is still like this and she’s in her thirties. She keeps saying she’s never had close female friendships because women are too bitchy. Even her husband is like “No, you have just had bad luck.”And to be fair, a lot of the women in our current group are a bit nasty. Apparently I am a special

I’m with you. I think the idea of ride-or-die, decades-long and uninterrupted friendships is neat but kind of old-fashioned. I have done big geographical moves three times in the last 6 years, and I’m probably going to do a few more before I die. I am still in contact with the friends I made in my childhood, at

Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue, Sonia Kashuk undereye concealer, Lush’s Emotional Brilliance powder to set, and Too Faced’s Love Flush blush in Love Hangover or Clinique’s Rosey Pop blush. I tint my eyelashes and brows, so I just shape the latter and curl the former and set them with Sonia Kashuk’s transparent brow