Not a "People" Person

That’s really not a huge amount of make-up, though. I wear about that much (minus the bronzer and plus an undereye concealer) to work and trust me, my look is not at all extreme.

I honestly think the problem with most “confessional” writing is that it’s a medium originally intended to bring us to a greater understanding of our internal lives and which is now being used to justify bad behavior. I think most people are capable of grasping the idea that life is difficult and that people in pain

The quality has declined a lot lately. It got really noticeable when Alle left.

Oh my god the comments on Refinery29...I just don’t understand. Half of them are spam, and another third are written by people who clearly hate the site and it’s obvious intended audience, and I don’t understand why they go there at all.

I have to agree. Some of the XOJane commenters are great and funny, but many are, despite their protestations, evidently getting a kick out of taking knives to pieces that should never have been published in the first place. Even the more benign pieces garner plenty of bitchy comments, and on anything more click-baity

Jesus. That’s both depressing and entirely unsurprising.

Honestly, I’ve encountered women with natural breasts like that IRL, and I’ve also encountered women with implants that look like that. No-way to know without getting all up in her business. I will say that A) from the front and back they don’t look that big, so it could be that her sports bra is pushing them up and

I will never understand not allowing people to work out in tank tops. It’s a gym, your only concern should be whether or not their clothes are safe for whatever they’re doing. I also sweat a LOT when I work out and I really need that ventilation. I’m pretty sure a soaked work-out shirt sticking to my chest would look

The stupid thing is, turtlenecks are the WORST thing to wear if you want to minimize the look of your cleavage. A V-neck might technically show more skin, but overall it’s going to streamline your silhouette. A turtleneck makes a large bust look larger,

I tend to describe it as being like covering up a baby grand with a tarp. If anything, you’re just making it look bigger.

Uniqlo does fantastic button-down Oxford shirts, I’ve had one in white for about two years now and it’s never been see-through. It is getting a little grey now, so I’ll probably have to replace it soon. The size range is kind of small, however.

That’s so ridiculous, because A) People have been making fun of Coldplay for YEARS, and it’s because they’re lame, not because they’re white, B) Plenty of people have made fun of Beyonce over the years, and plenty of people are now criticizing her for vocalizing her experience as a WOC, and finally C) No-one made fun

Well, tbf 10 years is a very decent length of time, especially for a marriage where one party is away a lot more and has more going on than the other. This is not shade on Duff, she has a really solid filmography, it just seems like professionally they are going very different directions. I dunno, I think when I hear

Yeah, you friend’s behavior is very familiar to me because I’m also a high-functioning drunk. I haven’t done it in years, but there were definitely times in college and once or twice in graduate school when I’d wake up with a horrible feeling of dread because I couldn’t remember anything between the bar and waking up,

I don’t know about actively trying to black out, but a good part of my early alcoholic experiments were basically attempts to find/push my limit. I think it’s simply an extension of the boundary-pushing most adolescents/young adults tend to do in one area or another.

“They’re pretty, but in a “prettiest girl in my 10th grade Biology class” kind of way, not a “supermodel” kind of way.”

I think probably Saldana wanted to do a *serious,* prestige piece that would establish her as more than the hot girl from Star Trek. She basically wanted to do a Charlize Theron. Admittedly I haven’t seen much of her work but it does seem like she’s getting typecast as the sci-fi/fantasy babe du jour, and to be fair I

Naturally blond hair in children isn’t unheard of in Japan and Asia, though it usually darkens as the child ages. Also, experimenting with hair dye is pretty popular among younger Japanese people.

That was my first thought...they could have cast a very diverse group of actors, heck, they could have moved the movie to the US a lot more easily than they could have changed this once specific characters.

...And to Japanese people they look Japanese. They sometimes look like Japanese people with blue or pink or yellow hair, but what you’re seeing as visual signifiers of whiteness are typically taken by Japanese viewers as signifiers of being Japanese, or as typical flourished of the anime style (the huge round eyes,