Not a "People" Person

That picture of Gwake is giving me flashbacks to every time me and my husband have gone somewhere *nice.*

I love the dress except for the weird peplum fringe, which I guess is what makes it unique. But I feel like it ruins the line and chops up her (enviable) figure and makes her look top-heavy. Her hair and make-up were amazing tho.

I don’t typically like her darker color but I think it worked well for this dress. I also thought she managed the tricky task of looking great in the dress without the dress itself being anything amazing (because I adore the embroidery but agree with you that it gets lost in all that fabric).

Only because the other models might trip over them, causing a avant pile-up.

I don’t believe they’re actually allowed to readjust. The thought process is that a boob hanging out is less visually disruptive than an embarrassed 18 year-old desperately trying to hook it back into 3 square inches of toille.

And I’ve been seeing those pants everywhere for the last couple of months. They’re hideous.

I think she’s pretty a non-fashion-y way. She has the same thing going on as Selena Gomez, where they’ve been cursed with faces that look very, very young no matter what age they are. Kind of a Kewpie-doll prettiness. I actually thought her modelling for Victoria’s Secret was genius- perfect combination of aesthetic

I’m actually tremendously fond of ponies, especially the Welsh sections A-C (Cobs are not ponies, they are just awesome). They are stubborn and contrary and very, very fun. I generally love all horses, but ponies keep you on your toes, if only because otherwise they’ll be casually attempting to grind them into the

Oh my God, it was amazing; the crumbling of adult authority, ponies, the fact we missed almost a full hour of school. I think someone might have thrown up their breakfast from joy overload.

One of the most exciting of my school days was when the bus got stuck in a traffic jam on the way to school because a bunch of neighborhood horses had staged an insurrection and were milling around on the two-lane bypass. There was only one, clearly terrified policeman in attendance who kept making “Shoo!” motions at

Yeah, they’re weird little bastards. They can spend 10+ years clopping round the same riding arena, only breaking into a trot under extreme duress, and then one day the wind comes from a slightly different direction, they hear the jungle drums, and they’re over the fence and through the water jump and scraping a

I think Bernie’s Jewishness or otherwise is, for me, on a par with Hillary’s woman-ness. Like, it’ll be a fantastic plus if they win, but it’s not something that would of itself decide my vote either way.

Unless you smoke a pipe or a really good cigar. I remember the first time I smelt pipe smoke- me and Mr. Crawledoutofthesea passed a nice old gent on a hike and he was puffing away, and about three seconds after he passed us I grabbed Mr.’s arm and was all “WHAT WAS THAT SMELL OMG WANT.” I now want Mr. to take up

Y’know, I feel like there should be a blanket rule for folks in the media: “If pulled up for saying something shitty about something you have no knowledge of, don’t just double down.”

Yeah, I’ve been medically obese and my waist was never close to 35". At my largest I think I had a 29" waist. There’s some kind of medical theory that says weight gained on the stomach/waist is more dangerous than that on the hips/thighs, but it’s still just one facet of weight control/diet which is only once facet of

She’s said a lot of things I dislike, and I think as a feminist she is a bit outdated, but I can totally see why they chose her- she is an icon, particularly with the slightly older demographic they were hoping to hang on to.

I bought a few bits and pieces of theirs when I was teaching, and then working in an overly-conscious “upscale” dermatology clinic. The clothes aren’t ground-breaking at all, but they do a good range of sizes and they are very good quality for the price.

That’s where mine always goes anyway. Who even uses catalogs anymore? I just wish they’d quit sending me the things in the first place.

Their winter coats are good and the knit dresses are the kind of easy-to-wear thing you tend to need if you work in a conservative business environment. It’s not very inspiring stuff, but it’s where you get what you need but don’t want for an okay price.

I’m always exasperated to see people jump to conclusions concerning plastic surgery when it comes to celebrities, because between make-up, lighting, and camera angles, I don’t think we have a great idea of what they looked like to begin with. I was talking about this with my husband last week, because he said he

Funnily enough, I think Diana and Catherine are both reasonably attractive in *the same way* without actually resembling each other. They’re both pretty in a classic, English-rose, not overly sexual way, with very good bone structure, and both dress a little frumpily for their age group. The hair makes it harder to