Not a "People" Person

Oh no don’t get me wrong, I don’t think many 19-year olds of any circumstances are emotionally mature enough to get married. But I don’t actually think Charles was really ready to get married then either- a lot of people think he suffered a lot of confidence issues because he was sent away to boarding school, which he

I think this is exaggerating things a little. Diana was no genius by all accounts, but she’d grown up in royal circles and had witnessed her parent’s own unhappy marriage and the fallout of her mother’s difficulty to conceive and her extramarital affair. By the time she became engaged to Charles Diana had been living

“She had a poster of him on her bedroom wall as a (much younger) teenager, supposedly, so it was rumored she set her sights on him fairly early on...”

I suspect no-one will ever really know, because of all the gossip and allegations and counter-allegations, but I think she assumed that he did, or at least, that he was willing and prepared to fall in love with her. You’ve got to remember that despite the whole “Cinderella tale” guff she was a member of a very

Honestly, I don’t think even that would do it. What I hear from Trump supporters is so often such a complete and utter, flat-out, aggressively defended, and willingly self-imposed denial of reality* that I think even if he appeared on live TV admitting that his whole run was a farce and an attempt to destroy the GOP,

Oh man, this reminds me of when our first dog died. He was a mixed-terrier of the same size, shape, and general disposition of a barrel of gunpowder. He was always a total lamb with our family, but he was a rescue and had severe anger problems when it came to young boys, especially loud, quick-moving ones, and other

Agreed. It’s particularly difficult in this specific case, because while Hillary talks a very good game about supporting women, I’m not convinced that her overarching platform of compromise is going to harmonize with taking a stand against things like TRAP laws. Sanders hasn’t really approached that side of the debate

I think if a feminist who describes herself as such votes for Trump, she’s a bad feminist, or at least one who has made a spectacularly poor decision. It’s not a binary state.

I’ve always thought that the pill is quite cumbersome for younger adults, as generally your lifestyle is more fluid and exciting then. I know my usage was far from perfect then (luckily I wasn’t getting laid much either).

The only one of these I even half agree with is if you’re going to break up with them anyway. But even then, I can imagine that for lots of people having a definitive reason, however painful, would be better than playing the “What happened? What did I do? Was it because of the 3lbs I gained over Christmas?” dance that

My husband is like you. He is insistent that he would never, ever want to know, ever. I am the opposite- I believe I could forgive a single transgression as long as he fessed up and allowed us to actually work on what was wrong in the first place. If he cheated and never told me and I found out anyway? My ass would be

I think it’s also the fact that some women, probably due to all the social shaming the anti-choicer crowd are SO into, will retrospectively attribute problems or dissatisfaction they have later in life to their earlier decision to have an abortion. It’s the same mistaking of correlation for causation that leads them

Also, can we talk about just how difficult it is to actually manage “perfect use?” I take the combination pill, mostly because it is, in my mind, more controllable than an implant or an IUD. I think I’m pretty good with it- I skip or am late on maybe 2-3 days a year, and I always take the extra pill as soon as I

When I first moved in with Mr. Crawledoutofthesea, he had never heard of a pasta bowl. I mean, he also owned a towel, so this was not surprising. I spent a lot of time explaining why they were like plates and soup bowls combined but better, and then even longer trying to actually find some, if only to prove they did

This is besides the point of everything, but Jesus, that blouse.

Yeah, says noted iron-pumper Ted Cruz.

Well no, but then I don’t consider Jake to be all that brooding either. I refuse to accept that he is any kind of hunk, and will assume he is still peddling the “goofy but lovable” shtick. And the cat is totes lovable.

Ha, I wondered about that! The grated Parmesan my parents used to buy in the UK reeked of vomit (I was more sensitive about that when I was a kid), and the expensive stuff I snarfle free samples of at our local cheese counter does too. I could never work out why the pre-packaged stuff I now buy didn’t smell of it. I

*Stops shaking Parmesan onto roasted brussel sprouts, looks at tub. Shrugs, continues to cheese-ish up vegetables.*

Some cats are just bigger. Our vet told us we would never healthily get our Orange cat under 11-12lbs. She’s just a big, solid girl- when you scratch her neck you can feel how thick it is. Tuxedo cat is not quite as big, but still never going to get under 10lbs.