Not a "People" Person

Oh God, this is exactly why I worry about posting these pictures! Our carpet is properly rank and I didn’t get to choose most of our furniture etc. I don’t choose to live this way (Apart from the pet hair covering everything. That’s on me)!

Pizza cat loves ALL food but does not get pizza.

Our cats came home from the shelter 4 and 3 lbs overweight respectfully, hence my referring to them colllectively as “The Pudding Club” (because when they are curled up together they are as sweet, and approximately the same shape, as a couple of puddings). Their diet food smells even worse than the regular kind, but

The BBC did a very good documentary series a few years ago called “Filthy Cities,” which went in to a lot of detail about the kind of things you’re describing. Cities would have been a lot worse because of the concentration of people but also of industries like slaughtering, tanning and curing, and dying. I would be

I think it’s worth considering how much colder it was then compared to now. At that point the UK would have been nudging into the Little Ice Age, so even in summer it would have been very mild. The colder you are, the less you sweat, the less sebum you produce, so you could probably go a lot longer between washes.

Yeah...this is going to sound horrible, but I have seen a number of Goodman’s shows and while she’s disarmingly enthusiastic about everything, I wouldn’t describe her as a reliable source when it comes to determining what does and does not look odd, or as someone who is likely to give any number of hoots about how she

I think she looks a lot better than Dakota Johnson. Johnson’s very pretty in that waifish way, but to me she always looks tired and like she’s skipped a shower for a day too long. I think it’s the bangs. Clarke looks happy and glowy and I think her hair is divine.

I don’t think it’s the worst film, but I definitely had a lot of problems with it. Mostly, how in the world would Emily Blunt’s character have not immediately recognized Rhys Ifans’ character as being THAT professor, that one that every academic department has. Also, how would the university have allowed her to

This is the impression I get too. I’m guessing by “got my wife’s blessing” Kanye actually meant “Went on an overly long and vague rant about this particular line which she half listened to while futzing on Instagram until eventually saying “Huh? Yeah, sounds good babe.””

Exactly. You don’t think I’m all “Jesus that’s cute,” people of China? I am! Of course I am! But we must have self-control.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Gentle, affectionate companion, energetic, sweet-tempered

Oh no, that’s a legitimate bad habit too. I don’t have a smart phone and it really irritates me, though I suspect I’d probably be almost as bad if I did get one. I knew I was getting old the other day when I went out to brunch with my friends and there was a group of 6 or so college students next to us...all tapping

Yep. Nye is consciously talking about a distant past, and explicitly contrasting it with a more modern historical context/ Streep is just erasing everything for the sake of feeling comfortable.

I think video games take a lot of the blame for what are, at heart, immaturity or self-control problems with the *individual.* Most of my husband’s friends are gamers, and some are better than others about how they pursue that interest in a relationship, especially the older ones who are more experienced with

Oh God this. Although this is also just a subset of drama king/queen.

It’s because Chris Pratt is a much better actor. Whatever I see Ryan Reynolds in, he’s always Ryan Reynolds pretending to be someone.

God YES. I saw the trailer a while back and it was just so LAME. My husband and his friends are big comic readers, and were going on and on about how hilarious Deadpool is, and I just got nothing like that from the trailer. And a lot of them agreed with me, so I don’t know how well received this is going to be by a

I remember watching that movie in our Religious Education class (broad umbrella term for what seemed to be general education in all the different ways people are dicks) when I was about 11. It was very moving and very, very dull. Good, but not my favorite Holocaust film. To be fair, our RE teacher was against stiff

A few days ago I was listening to a radio interview with a man who had in childhood accidentally shot killed his sister. He had gone through years of depression and drug abuse, only got clean after his own son was born, and was still struggling with horrible, unsolvable feelings of guilt. I hope this kid gets help and

Just horrible. I was listening to Storycorps on the radio a few days ago and the subject was a man who had accidentally shot and killed his sister when he was 9. It was so upsetting, especially as they played the recording of the 911 call he dialed as his parents were not at home at the time. I almost started crying