Not a "People" Person

Lemonades are my favorite GSCs. Anything with bubbles is my favorite wine.

I haven’t seen it yet and will not as long as I’m expected to pay for it, but the minute this hits Netflix/Amazon prime I am kicking my husband out of the house at 2pm, drawing the blinds, and watching this while drinking cava and prowling Etsy. I am a person of varied tastes, and one of them is for beautiful,

I think this is probably huge. My guy is an engineer and, well, sometimes stereotypes are rooted in truth. Jeans and T-shirts most days, a pair of khakis and polo shirts if there’s an investor meeting. I’m front-desk at a law firm; the shareholders can wear sweatshirts and sneakers, but my dress code is

Yop. And he never throws anything away. How he can still insist that I have more clothes than him when his half of the wardrobe is invading mine with the twin forces of worn-out sweatpants and t-shirts from college that he can’t even fit into anymore, I do not know.

Yep. I mean, if you’re trying for a baby you’ll probably already be cutting down on alcohol and doubling up on vegetables, multivitamins, etc. At least, this is what I have gathered from friends who prepared for pregnancy like they were prepping for the Olympics.

I mean, good grief, it’s hella windy here. Why the hell not?

I’m basing this mostly from old episodes of The West Wing, but this is what I understand: the national conventions are when the state delegates for both political parties get together and hash out who’s going to be their nominee for president, as they only get one each. They also decide more or less what will be the

Maybe it was a joke? You know how old folks like to make young people uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, they are not the only O’Malley supporters I know! There’s the guy with a house sign I drive past on my way to work...I guess I don’t “know” him though...

Neat, I learned something extra today!

My in-laws are caucusing this year for the first time in about a decade and are currently leaning gently toward O’Mally (I mean, would an O’Mally supporter lean any other way?), so it will be interesting to hear what their experience is!

Corn, soybeans, pigs. And just lately wind energy.

Yeah, you know how Midwesterners deal with the weather here? By minimizing the fuck out the time they spend out in it. That and some serious tires. Don’t get me wrong, no-one in my office is freaking out and there is a general expectation that the storm will not be as bad as forecast, because that’s usually what

Do you have to register as a Democrat? I believe you can participate as an independant- my husband’s been an independant for years and has caucused a few times. As I understand it, to participate in the Dem’s you just have to be not registered Rep.

I don’t know, I’ve been hearing a lot more interest in the Caucuses this year than in previous years (granted, I’ve only been hear permanently for a few years). I have a group of fairly apathetic friends and a lot of them are planning on going this year. Still, I agree that the Sanders campaign and the Dems in general

There’s a difference between “not afraid” and “foolhardy” though. A lot of older folks in particular are very wary of driving in winter conditions here, which is why many of them head down to Florida, Texas, or Arizona during the winter months. Won’t make much difference this year, but that does have the potential to

Yes, this makes me wonder about her parents full stop. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still a little dick, but accusations like this don’t come from the ether. I’m guessing her parents are bigoted dickbags with short fuses and she figured blaming the brown people they hate so much was a good way to deflect their tempers.

I’m honestly surprised do many people are shocked by this, given that it’s been common knowledge that America’s care and foster system for vulnerable children is riddled with problems and loopholes. I mean, weren’t we all up in arms a week or so ago because it turned out one of those wackadoos down in Oregon was

A lot of these children won’t have parents.