Not a "People" Person

Same here. I’m a white, heterosexual, married, middle-class woman, and I live near a large metro area. I would have the least problems of anyone getting an abortion, but the thought of an accidental pregnancy still makes me break out in a cold sweat. How much worse must it be for other women?

“Generally, kinkajous climb to a high place and “just go”, However, they seem to go in the same locations, so after a while, you learn nooooooooooooooooooooooo ohmygodohmygodohmygod no no no no whatthefuckiswrongwithpeople oh my god.”

God, and I thought I had it rough last weekend when my cat decided to sit on my chest and poke her paw in my mouth from 2am to 6am.

Oh my fuck no.

Oh man, whenever anyone uses the word “classy” about anything you know that it isn’t.

““The Legislature finds that all human life comes from the Creator...”

I know a few people who are really *upset* by this movie, but I’m actually pretty jazzed for it. It’s got to be better than another over-serious faux-intellectual Sherlock re-imagining or re-adaptation or whatever, and I like that there is seemingly no pretense whatsoever that this is in any way faithful to the

I purposefully did not respond to that because I felt like he might actually be trolling, but it made me so angry! Dude, the worst thing that happened to you was a slightly awkward social interaction, and not even one where you had to make conversation with the other person. That’s pretty damn far from being “treated

That was an awesome series. And my husband and I often reenact the bit where he shouts her back from the dead.


I think it’s the “widely available” part that’s most important in the American context. Conservative politicians have become so good at pushing through those damn TRAP laws. It’s not such a big deal to only have 6-8 weeks to get an abortion if you could just nip to your local hospital over lunch.

Yep. My experience of the “Bernie or bust” folks are that they overwhelmingly skew male, white, and mid to mid-life crisis age. I don’t think they’re anything like a large percentage of democratic voters, though they do tend to be extremely vocal. Like the guy at a debate watch party who declared that Clinton is “The

Is it sad that I immediately thought of this?

Yeah, any snowstorm so bad that it’s been all over the news for the three days preceding it is a storm you’ve had time to prepare for. This is what freezer boxes are for!

Exactly. Shitty weather is very common where I am in the winter/ 6 months out of the year. If I can do my 30 minute commute to work and back I don’t feel bad about ordering delivery from a place two streets away, but I’ll tip a bit extra. If its too bad for me to go out I don’t expect anyone else to. Also, delivery in

That’s kind of the thing- I probably wouldn’t wear ANY political shirt outside my home or to places where I didn’t know that would be welcome or encouraged or at least in context. Heck, I don’t even put political bumper stickers on my car, because in my mind it’s too close to those “JESUS SAVES” billboards people

I will say that I’ve noticed a lot of very...casual anti-choice activity here in central Iowa. More than once I have seen people wearing those “I am the pro-life generation!” t-shirts when they’re out running, or in the supermarket, etc. I can easily imagine some dim-witted school assistant saying yes because

Ha, my childhood dog was a lurcher and he always made the most intereting sofa shapes!

One of ours is like that. From 2 or 3pm onwards she’s looking for it, running for her bowl every time we stand up and mewling plaintively. She’s a pretty good cat though. Likes a snuggle.

Ugh, yeah. A woman I used to know kept chickens in her suburban yard and while I personally didn’t mind the smell, they wrecked her yard and kept escaping into the surrounding neighborhood, to be consumed by cats, mown down by cars, or poisoned/chocked on on stuff they weren’t supposed to eat. They kept extending

I look at my cats and think they’ve got it all figured out, haven’t they?