Not a "People" Person

Like almost every European immigrant I meet here, we married someone who lived here! I met my husband while he was spending a year in Bristol, then I moved to Kansas for graduate school, and after I graduated we settled down here. That was about three years ago now, and it’s okay. The people, like their weather, are

Yeah, it’s one thing being engaged for years because you’re saving up for a wedding, it’s another being engaged for years because one or both of you can’t be bothered to pull the trigger.

All black to bring out her hair. Or tweeds and big shawl scarfs in jewel tones, because no-one looks bad in jewel tones. The pastels are very draining, I think.

I mean, things are different for the super-rich. You don’t call caterers and venues and dressmakers, you call “friends” and they hook you up. You know that old saying, “You can have it cheap, fast, or well done. Pick two.” Probably not everyone on her staff is that league but I also suspect that a lot of them have

This reminds me of a time me and my partner were at Perkins, and while we were trying to figure out what we wanted despite the fact it’s always the soup and something, a little girl in the opposite booth was having her order taken. The waitress asked her what she wanted and she chanted “ICE. CREAM. SUNDAE!!!” at a

It was -27 degrees Celsius here in central Iowa on Sunday, and the lakes regions are usually colder again. What a lot of people don’t know about the Midwest is that it has one of the most extreme variable climates in the world. It gets hotter in lots of places, and colder in lots of places, but the shift between hot

In the linked article it mentions she got a ride to the party with the guy who took her to the concert, and she seems to have had a sweater with her. Still not enough for walking around in the middle of a Wisconsin winter, but it’s so easy to see how she probably thought she wouldn’t be outside for more than a few

Yes. It’s easy in the sober light of day to say that she shouldn’t have dressed that way, that she shouldn’t have had that first drink, that her friends should have watched out for her more. All of that is true. But the truth is young, inexperienced people (and while 21 makes you legally an adult it generally doesn’t

God, I never even regularly watched HIMYM and when I saw the finale I was STILL like “What the fresh Hell is this?”

Man I have heard some INSANE nonsense from grandparents. A colleague once told me “You know I thought I loved my children, but I love my grandchild so much more!” and all I could say was “That’s nice!” because in my head I was screaming THAT ISN’T OKAY. My BIL’s parents have also pretty much stopped acknowledging he

Yeah, I think it’s the fact that I’ve never even felt like I want kids EVENTUALLY that worries me. It’s like, my career is about 5 years behind where I want it to be, we have a house that desperately needs renovations it won’t get for at least another three years, and my fish all died from Ich this week. I’m barely

My sister is 31 and planning on starting a family in the next two years. My mum had me when she was 31 or 32. I’m a couple of years behind my sister and it’s weird, because for me it’s not even a “maybe.” I don’t really enjoy the company of children, I get squicked out at the thought of being pregnant. But my sister

I’ll be honest, I felt much worse after reading the obituaries and tributes. I’d always liked and admired his work (my mam has always been a HUGE fan) but he was such a discrete, private individual. Learning that he was such a nice and decent human being in addition to being incredibly talented makes it feel like a

The jeans are AWFUL. Is he trying to connect with the everyman? Because I think the everyman knows damn well Rand can afford to pay more than $19.95 for his jeans.

I just can’t believe Ben the-pyramids-were-grain-silos Carson is still at the big table.

I wouldn’t be surprised. I grew up in Britain in the 90s, and freakin’ everyone smoked. I was quite unusual in my peer group in that I didn’t. It’s a bitch of a habit to kick too.

This was the first role I ever saw him in. When I read the book later I thought the Brandon character didn’t come off half as well as in the movie, even though the dialogue is almost exactly faithful. I think that’s a testament to the director but also to Rickman; making a relationship with that kind of age gap

Such an interesting, thoughtful piece. I applaud you for putting this out there.

Right? Honestly, it’s hard to take people seriously when they’re arguing about the hypothetical ramifications of $37 million per year verses six-hundred-something million all at once. God, 1 million a year would be more than I can imagine needing, ever! I would take care of my nearest and dearest, quit my job and

Yeah. There’s outrage humor, which I personally don’t find funny but I get the point of it. And then there’s tired jokes about women drivers and how weird it is when men wear a dress. I think he failed at everything he was trying to do here, really.