Not a "People" Person

I was going to say just this...Gervais’ whole shtick in the beginning was that he was synonymous with his characters on The Office and Extras- that he was this ineffectual, bumbling but essentially good-hearted guy. Which was, to be honest, pretty wearing- the whole self-pity thing was so relentless. And then you see

My last two jobs have had compulsory hour lunches. The first place wasn’t too bad because the breakroom was a fair size and had a door, so you could close it, put your feet up and either read or stare at the greenspace out of the window. My current job, despite being a lot nicer with better people, has a tiny

Yeah, except this is nothing like jail. At all. This guy got to do exactly what he wanted for 15 years.

There’s...a lot wrong with that fit. I think the advice should be more: don’t try to compress big tits into swimwear designed for tweens.

Yeah, this seems ridiculously low-tech. Now, if it was remote-operated and you used an app on your iPhone to turn it off and on, I think there would be MUCH more appeal.

Awww. We thought our rescue girls were FIV+, but it turned out they’d been vaccinated at some point (and thus will test positive for FIV for the rest of their lives) and the paperwork hadn’t been passed on to us. I was a bit worried at first but our vet gave us the run-down and I wouldn’t have cared too much

This is incorrect. The son of Abraham’s wife/sex slave Hagar was Ishmael. You remembered the bit about the hills correctly, but that all happened in the time of Abrham/Ibrahim, around 2000BC. When Muhammad instituted the Islamic religion as we know it today in the 5th century CE he solidified a pre-Islamic tradition

I mean, what I think is interesting is just how tame her “violations” are. Viewing political and social movements through a Biblical lens and suggesting biblical scholars could incorporate some new perspectives. Using diplomatic language when talking about issues that may be deeply personal for students. Being at a

That terrible accent was meant to be Scottish.

Yeah, I just felt sad and resigned about most of the fake headlines, angry at maybe one of them?

Heck, I love in the middle of nowhere and the drivers on my morning commute terrify me. I’ve been honked at and given the finger for driving 5 and 10 miles OVER the speed limit in dangerous driving conditions (snowstorm and sharp bend with a dozen signposts up telling you to slow down to 45). I’ve seen people change

To be honest, I’ve never been able to see where that stereotype comes from. Sure, some middle-class Brits can be very straight-laced, but I’ve never seen that much repression in the North, or South London, or Cardiff, etc.My husband is American and compared to his family my Vally’s born cousins and aunts are a 24-hour

Honestly, as someone who has seen this scenario play out a number of times with several friends, I would let sleeping dogs lie for now. Their relationship is his own buisness/mess to take care of, and while I don’t think you’ll come across as crazy and jealous, there’s a really good chance you’ll get caught in the

What I did: Water and an ibuprofen before I went to sleep. Water and another ibuprofen when I woke up. Tried to sit on the sofa, decided it wasn’t taking, went back to bed and dozed for another three hours while the cat slept on my chest. At about 1pm I got up, chugged orange juice, ate leftover chicken curry and naan

Honestly, this kind of scene is fairly common in city centers in large towns past 10 or 11 pm on Friday and Saturday nights, but they’re also pretty easy to avoid. The photographs make it look like this is city-wide pandenomium, but this is probably just a couple of streets where the big clubs are. Also, all those

Same here. I was 12 when the first prequel came out (someone’s going to come along and tell me that’s not young enough). I’d only seen the original trilogy a year or so earlier, liked them lots but wasn’t then (or now) one of the die-hard whole-hearted fans, though my best friend was. The first prequal was terrible.

Oh man, my old boss did Pinot’s Palette and hung the results in our office. People would FALL OVER themselves to say how good they were, and they really, really weren’t. They were adequately executed, because she’d obviously followed the instructions to the letter, and they were not unpleasant or jarring to look at.

Yeah, my sister’s bacherlotte party was a still-life drawing. They had a lot of fun. There is still a picture of my aunt, cousin, and a naked guy grinning broadly at the camera on the internet somewhere.

This was a very nice little article. You made me rethink the perception I had of these classes, which is always nice.

Oh man, I don’t even with the new Kinja system. And I don’t really post as much as I used to.