Not a "People" Person

Exactely. Husband and I both work full time (or I did until I got laid off last week, so, y’know, not exactely on holiday here) and keeping fed, clean, dry and occasionally getting to spend a night out are difficult and expensive enough as it is. We don’t even live in an expensive part of the country! We don’t have

Yeah, mine lived on his own for a decade too, but quite frankly he lived like the absolute stereotype of a college student. Dishes growing mould in the sink, stacks of empty beer bottles on the kitchen floor, months-old “leftovers” in the refrigerator, all of it. He even slept in a sleeping bag for a whole year

I agree. My husband is trying to get better at doing an equal amount of housework, and I am trying to allow myself to let things go a bit, but the reality is that I was raised to think of everything and everyone around me, my husband was raised to look after himself. So he gets up in the morning, gets dressed, leaves

Same. It’s modern and subtle.

Goddamn you, for a minute I thought I’d be the one to get that in!

I feel like Blake has one of those faces that peaks early. Like Di Caprio. Obviously still perfectly fine looking men, but they hit their optimum face-age a few years ago. Nothing wrong with that, we can’t all be Helen Mirren.

I would not put it past this guy to be the kind of asshole who gets a $100 bill and then is all “Hey, let’s go to some McDonald’s or Dollar Tree or something and buy, like, the smallest thing possible with it so we get back all this change, loz.”

This is what makes me want to strangle the “Calories in, calories out! Eat less, move more!” people. Like yes, you are broadly basically correct, like saying that it’s darker at night than it is in the day. But it’s actually pretty complicated, and if that simplicity has worked for you it’s probably because you’re

Yop. I lost somewhere between 30-40 pounds over about six months in my early twenties (which is a lot on someone who’s only 5’1”) essentially by brutally cutting what I was eating. This mostly happened because I was very poor, so it was probably no breakfast, a vending-machine sandwich and a diet coke for lunch,

“A trustee at Paden’s church sent in a letter saying that “only God, Darren, and the victim know what happened.””

See, as a Brit, I feel the opposite way. Thanksgiving with my husband’s family is a grimly sincere affair. They actually do that standing round the table taking it in turns to say what we’re each thankful for thing, in addition to the pre-meal prayer, and they put bits of tasteless candy corn on the plate for reasons

That’s what I was thinking. Kids of any gender can tell the difference between a social event and a learning experience that’s been gussied up to look like a social event. And that’s not to say there isn’t anything to be said for “Making Learning Fun!!!” so much as it is to say that maybe, MAYBE half the boys will be

This is one of the reasons I don’t want to think about the possibility of getting pregnant. I mean, if it was just giving up wine for 9 months, okay. If it was just caffine, okay. But it’s not. It’s alcohol, caffine, cheese, sushi, deli meat, rare steak (the best kind of steak!), tuna, herbal tea, and probaby about

Great point. If it was up to me there would have been no proposal and the ring would have cost half as much, but I wasn’t the one who needed to decide. We were in the “We said we’d like to get married but not that we WERE getting married” stage for a good year and by that point it was pretty important to both of us

I think the problem is that sometimes a “reasonable and open conversation” ends up being an ultimatum because...that’s the situation. With my now-husband, we had visa issues to think of and while I normally would have let him waffle back and forth over the decision for a while (as he will do with any big decision) I

I think you should ask yourself: is her need to be married and have a quote-unquote wedding, even though these days you can more or less manage without it in most circumstances and everyone gets divorced, etc; really more illogical than your need to own a house before having children? Lots of people have children

I am also really pale and I have to disagree with what everyone else says about no blush. For sure, it should be a very natural-looking tone, matt finish, and on the back of the cheekbones, but blush is essential to give my super-pale face any kind of definition in Driver’s license/Passport photos.
I feel like what

Same here. I LOVED Crimson Peak for it’s aesthetics, but the whole times I was watching it I knew I wouldn’t be sleeping much for the next few nights- and that’s not even a proper horror movie! I’m one of those people who’s okay with gore, but spooky atmospheres and jumps really get to me.

I was gonna say. The only difference between Babs and the guy who built this is that she’s doing it entirely for her own amusement.

I should add that in general my mother is a lovely, very warm and supportive woman. But like many other people’s mums here she has always had issues with her weight and also came from a family structure that was less than great, so she is rather prone to foreseeing disasters in very small things, bless her.