Not a "People" Person

Me too. My knees are weird.

This is it, really. After the thermometer reaches a certain point no-one looks any good, so you may as well be slightly more comfortable. Aesthetics should always be limited by the necessary.

This is true, but I find it’s a pretty good approximation for the taste. The scenario I’m describing usually happens when I go to the old pubs in my home town where everyone drinks either beer, vodka and orange, or Jack Daniels and coke. But they do generally have a couple of cans of Schweppes ginger ale behind the

Oh so THAT’S what a screwdriver is! I have just had a mini-epiphany, that you! I have mostly heard it called the distinctly not-posh “Vodka and Orange, cheers.” It’s like when the bartender doesn’t know what a Moscow Mule is, so I just ask for a shot of vodka with lots of ice and a can of ginger ale.

My college roommate wasn’t really into alcohol and on nights out she would always order a vodka and orange juice, vodka not really tasting of anything much and orange juice having valuable vitamin C. If she wanted to get crazy it would be a vodka and lemonade. I have never seen anyone order this in the US, but a vodka

Yeah, it never fails to shock and dismay me how many people are willingly ignorant about their own nation’s history. I taught a general big-books and central documents history course at college for two years, and it was amazing and incredibly disheartening to watch students literally deny the existence of words in

Reminds me of Netflix recommending me “Titles With a Strong Female Lead.” First in the list? Keeping Up Appearances.

I think the thing that people often forget is that the Royal family isn’t just the Royal family. I don’t think any member, even the queen, could single-handedly throw over such a prominent decision as this. The royal household is a massive, tightly-controlled institution that really bears more resemblance to a

I’d believe this whole “Zombie like trance” shit a lot if it had occurred before he was caught on video constructing a plan to cover his ass.

No kidding. My dog died just over a month ago and this article just made me really, really sad.

I sympathize. More so with you than my husband, who used to pout that the dog didn’t love him as much despite the fact that he rarely walked her or spoke to her unless it was a direct command/instruction. I don’t mean that he was cruel or neglectful at all, he was really fond of her (and she was very fond of him too)

It’s the same in college teaching, or at least it was in my experience. There’s always at least one student who is convinced you have a personal grudge against them and that’s why they only got a C. I used to grade 180+ students a year, and quite frankly I only remember about 5 of them.

I think the last is just typical of some schools. My mum works in a state school in the UK and it seems like every week there’s some kind of drama going on between staff members over a perceived personal slight or a difference of opinion that usually results in someone refusing to speak/work with that person. Which

It also makes me think of the 30 Rock episode where Devon Banks is leading a spin class “Go home porkers, tell your husbands I tried.”

I make a face like that in my body pump class. Like I just sneer really hard at my reflection. I’m sure people think I’m saying “Oink oink, fatty!” at myself in the mirror.

So I have a somewhat off-topic question. I just started going to yoga classes at my local Y (I’ve done yoga before but mostly from online tutorials/dvds)- we have rotating instructors and the last one struck me as being a bit weird and over-the-top about it. First she shut off all the lights in the room, which meant

The problem with these comparisons (and I honestly think with the article above) is that people refuse to see things in anything other than black and white. So is it okay to abort a potential human life? Honestly, it’s not great. It’s just frequently better than the alternative. Is it not okay to kill a lion? It’s not

That sounds amazing! I was thinking of the “dorm pet” situations I’ve seen before where someone buys a puppy off Craigslist and is then amazed when it destroys their textbooks after being locked up for 10 hours because that person went straight to happy hour after class. Or they inevitably get discovered and have to

I agree completely with you. I find hunting pretty distasteful when it comes with this kind of ego-stroking and machoism, even if it’s just some douche posing with a stag’s head on his truck in Indiana or somewhere. Hunting because you intend to use the meat is one thing, purposefully spending a whackodoodle amount of

I mean, I dunno...I feel like having a “dorm cat” (or any other type of pet except for fish or a hamster) is a pretty bad idea from the start. A dorm room is very different from a multi-room apartment or house. Really, a lot of people need to get used to the idea that just because you want a pet does not necessarily