Not a "People" Person

I’m wondering if this is a cultural thing? I know in the UK it used to be waaaaaay more common to let your cats roam free, it seems like it’s only been for the last 10-15 years that the indoor cat movement (if you will) has become a thing. Given that much of Australia is pretty rural, I’d imagine they could scramble

Oh yeah, that made me cringe. It’s people like her who make me extremely careful not to let it slip that I have a masters. And then they start picking up on my timeline and I eventually have to explain that I actually have two masters. But they’re both in completely useless subjects, and the second was at a pretty

Yep. Those mannequins aren’t just very, very slim, they’re way the fuck tall. I mean, I am sure there are a handful of women whose bodies are naturally shaped this way, but when this is your sole visible body type and it’s being presented as aspirational it’s a problem.
Also, those mannequins may be “wearing” a size

Thank you! My husband will never put the lid down and I’m all “You know it’s not just there because of some stupid Victorian prudery thing, right?”

I don’t think there’s a single adult male in my family who will close a cupboard or closet door on their own behalf. It’s like a genetic illness that only becomes active with a Y chromosone.

I’m assuming “partner” is the term they’ve decided to use when you’re in a defacto relationship. The happy male is married and the happy female isn’t, unhappy male isn’t married, unhappy woman is.

In all honesty, I made a lot of mistakes with my education and my earning potential is kind of sucky as a result. However, I was fortunate enought that I didn’t have to take out monster student loans and the one I do have is super-managable (thank UK Student Loans Company!). So what I can bring to the table is that

Agreed. Having a certain amount of debt, especially student debt seems like an inevitability in America. It wouldn’t put me off marrying someone, but there would have to be at least one solid discussion along the lines of “Do you understand why you got into this debt? What are your plans to get out of it? How much of

It is. That guy’s doctor was either a tight-ass or misheard him. Four drinks a night might be considered a binge. “The definition of binge drinking used by the NHS and National Office of Statistics is drinking more than double the daily unit guidelines for alcohol in one session.” (that’s from the Drink Aware

That seems ridiculous. Did he mishear you and think you meant four drinks a night? Methinks there was some personal morality creeping in there...

A unit is defined very differently to a drink. It’s measured by alcohol content rather than by quantity. The idea was to provide some kind of standardization. The thing is people who have 2-3 beers in a night might not consider that binge drinking (which I can totally understand), but technically they are drinking

I’ve found that some people just will not accept an invisible illness any very serious. I do not have chronic pain but a couple of my friends do, so I kind of know it’s a life-altering, serious deal. But reguardless I have never been the kind of person to doubt poo-poo someone’s medical condition because THEY PROBABLY

And there’s more! Don’t start gardening until you’ve really gotten to know your plot of land. If you’ve got silt, don’t pretend you can turn it into loam. Be willing to do some hardscaping to get the best results- sometimes you’ll have to do some serious digging. Remember that a good garden takes a long time to

*blushes* You would be really dissapointed if you saw the wilting dirt patch that currently is my garden. The marriage, strangely enough, is showing a decent amount of promise.

To be fair, when I read the article I could better understand why she was so irritated. It wasn’t so much that he messed up the tickets, it was that he messed up the tickets then missed the flight then didn’t seem bothered by it- it seemed like this was not the first time this kind of thing had happened. As someone

I actually like this metaphor because you can really push it very far. Like, some years will be worse than others, you must be vigilant against pests (rabbits/flirtatious co-workers), you need to fertilize regularly, and ultimately if you don’t set some time aside every week for dedicated gardening time your result

I don’t think that makes you hateable, but I do think that makes you very lucky. I don’t believe in soulmates, but I do believe that some people are of optimum suitability for others, and it looks like you’ve found one of yours!

I sometimes hate aspects of my husband. He is, by his own and by his family’s admission, a very difficult man to live with. But I never hate the totality of him, if that makes sense. Like, sometimes I really do want him to piss off for a while, it’s because I know we just need time to get back into the “it’s all good”

I agree. I feel like NM generally makes really good points about the music industry and pop culture as a whole, but she is TERRIBLE at making those points in any kind of constructive way. I don’t know if she was actually attacking Swift, or just didn’t think about her original tweet before she made it, but I can

Agreed. If the restaurant didn’t want to deliver to delicate-flower vegetarians (no shade; I am myself the most delicate of flowers) during a blizzard they shouldn’t have taken the order. I personally avoid ordering delivery during bad weather if I can, but it seems really snotty to judge these two for taking