Not a "People" Person

Reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons when it turns out Ned Flanders doesn’t have home insurance because he considers it a form of gambling.

I guess I would be a Hyde, but with the provisio that I don’t get hostile, I get sad. And only when I’ve drunk way, way too much. Most of the time I’m straddling the Hemmingway/Poppins fence (the only people who can usually tell that I’m drunk are my immediate family and my husband. Everyone else is like: you can’t

I will say this, at least these bags look like they’re enjoying themselves. Unlike the Hermes Birkin, which could easily cost 5-10 times the cost of this bag and looks like something your elderly maiden aunt might carry to a funeral (no shade intended to maiden aunts).

But I think the article hits it right on the nose-

They are so, so lazy. My parent’s greyhound/lurcher cross got two 15 minute walks a day and he was done. If he was feeling particularly rambunctious he would bring you his rope toy to tug at for a while. Or he would chase some peas around on the kitchen floor until they went under the fridge. He loved to run on the

I remember when we took my dad’s dog to a new vet, and he initially said he thought, based on the paperwork, she seemed underweight. Then he saw MUSCLE DOG and was like “...she’s fine.” That’s what 5-mile walks every morning through sand dunes will do for you. Of course, by the evening she could do it all over again.

Do yours “smile?” I’ve never encountered a non-greyhound dog that did that. It used to freak people out when my parent’s dog did it, and I’d be all “He LIKES you!!!”

HE’S SO ADORABLE AND WISE LOOKING. Like, I would totally ask that dog for career advice. And then act on it.

I was always so baffled when people asked what breed our dog was, because I’ve never in my life seen a dog that so totally defined the term “Bit if this, bit of that...”

Or “Our little lost innocent,” whispered like a Dickensian Urchin.

I kind of want to smack my husband every time he says greyhounds/lurchers “always look like they’re afraid of being kicked.” I mean, I know what he means, but they are SUCH awesome dogs and who the hell cares what a dog LOOKS like you pretentious SHIT...

Okay, maybe I’m just hypersensitive because his dad makes

Don’t give up on it. There are so many wonderful animals in shelters, you just need time and patience to find the right one for you. Different animals need different things; if Cheddar had been re-homed at some point in his life with a more experienced owner or one with previous experience of aggressive animals things

I personally suspect that our rescue’s previous owners knew about her Addison’s disease before we got her and surrendered her because they couldn’t/wouldn’t pay the medical bills. She had been in the shelter beforehand and they returned her after 9 months citing “unreasonable expectations,” which seemed odd given how

Presumably she should have a shed a single, glittering tear every time the words “fetal tissue” were uttered and ended the discussion by rending her clothes and wailing at the unfeeling sky.

Exactly. Just the idea of coronary bypasses and cesareans both make me want to throw up a little, but they are needed and life-saving procedures. Imagine a politician saying “I know this procedure is routine and necessary, but I think we should stop doing it because it freaks me the fuck out.” He’d get laughed out of

Yep, my roomate’s dog is a little terrier cross who’s also a rescue, and she is a noticeably more peaceful dog on the days when she goes to doggy daycare and can run around and play for five hours a day. I mean, my room-mate takes really good care of her generally, but she is a dog who needs constant

I honestly didn’t think her tone was that inappropriate, particularly since it seems she believed she was talking to people who were involved in sourcing fetal tissue for medical research who would presumably be somewhat familiar with what’s involved. I understand that the physical process of removing a fetus is

I mentioned this on another thread just yesterday, but I’ve seen a lot of terriers that aren’t truly nasty, but who are nervous and frustrated as hell because of bad owner fit. Particularly Yorkies and Jack Russels. I think a lot of more inexperienced dog owners think small “cute” dog= low maintenance, and are

I’ll be honest: I like dumb and/or lazy dogs. Dogs where if you put a blanket over them they’ll just curl up and go to sleep like a canary. I am from a greyhound/lurcher household. Failing that, I just like simple dogs. I can barely figure out how to outwit my shoes in the morning, let alone a whole other animal

Hamsters do it too. I always used to think it was so funny when I heard them throwing their... “pellets” out of their little sleep houses. I always thought it was because they were cantankerous little buggers. Now I know they were sorting out the “good” poop from the poop poop and it’s still funny but also gross.

Hmmmm...are we talking acne scarring? I was lucky in that despite the acne I didn’t really have any scarring to speak of, so I can’t speak from personal experience there. I do work for a dermatologist now, so I’ve seen a number of patients with this issue. A lot depends on your individual scarring- mild acne scars can