Not a "People" Person

My vet told me that she sees a lot of behavioral problems with Corgis because people buy them on the cute factor alone and aren’t prepared to deal with their breed personality, which tends toward high intelligence, apparently disproportionate energy level and stubbornness. They’re working dogs and many people don’t

Yep. People were so damned rude and intrusive about my cystic acne when I was a teen. Years later I got a chemical peel and went into complete meltdown for a few days because it brought back all that vulnerability. Didn’t help that on my first day back at work, our first visitor of the day asked very bluntly “What’s

True story, I almost went for the balaclavas (because I am NOT going through another winter without one) but then decided I’d rather wait until Fall because there would probably be more/more colorful options available.

I sort of get where you’re coming from. My sister and her husband have a couple of pet rabbits and they’re very cute, but she’s told me they won’t get any more. Only the boy bunny is really friendly, and they’ve turned out to be exorbitantly expensive in terms of bunny-proofing the house and vet bills. Also, they do

Yep, thankfully we both enjoy satire and bad puns.

Of course not. I just meant that people respond very differently to different types of humor.

Yeah. I think for people who like physical humor they’re probably great. My husband will watch them and laugh his ass off, then follow me around for the rest of the day shouting nonsense words. It just leaves me cold. But then he gets confused and irritated by my beloved screwball comedies, so I guess as long as he

Panache owner here! They do run a bit small in the band and cup, especially for some reason in the plunge shapes. The Cleo range is smaller all-round than the mainline stuff. BUT they are otherwise great bras, especially if you have a narrower back.

I love Panache bras; the fit is great for me, especially the spin-off Cleo line. But it irritates me that only some of their stuff (like this and the gorgeous Sienna bra) are only available in a 30+ band size. I mean, I appreciate that my freakishly small back is unusual, but if they’re going to do SOME stuff in a 28

While you’re broadly correct that upper-middle and upper class backgrounds are over-represented, it’s just plain inaccurate to say “almost all” working British actors are upper class. Aidan Turner, Russel Tovey, Richard Madden, Andrew Garfield, Martin Freeman, Sean Bean, Ewan McGregor, Jude Law, Liam Neeson and Joe

This is my thinking. I think it’s also worth mentioning that Camille comes of a generation where you just didn’t divorce, no matter what. So it could be that she feels she has to grin and bear it to keep up appearances and “for the sake of the children.” And yeah, she’s living what anyone would call a “comfortable”

Oh man, this is giving me flashbacks to a time I got REAMED in a comment section when I said I personally wasn’t used to taking shoes off the minute I got inside someone’s house and would feel weird asking people to do so. Someone actually claimed you could bring Ebola into a house that way and infect children (which

I think you’d be surprised at how many young parents would jump at the chance of a weekend of wild livin’ and no resposnabilities. The problem is finding a sitter, and usually you have a long time to plan ahead for a wedding, so unless you’re inviting your friend’s parents and/or siblings that shouldn’t be too much of

I was eating breakfast in a motel this weekend and they had an interview with this chump-nugget on CNN up on the TV. I could only see the subtitle “On Jeb Bush: He Takes Me Seriously,” which in my head immediately turned into “HE takes me seriously! Look at me look at me look at me now!”
The only saving grace was that

Honestly, I’m less bothered about funding the restoration of old buildings than anything else; if the monarchy were scrapped tomorrow we’d still have a cool old building we could turn into a museum/gallery or something that could be opened as a tourist venue to get that money back.

That said, Buckingham palace has

Yep. I love kittens and puppies, but only for about an hour or so. Then I’m flat out exhausted.


As a standing member of Universal Receptionists Incorporated TM, let me be the first to offer a hearty welcome to our newest, albeit fictional, member. You should be receiving your welcome package of Advil, a hand-knitted cardigan, and a copy of our exclusive handbook (“100 Ways to Respond to Comments About the

Is cloth diapering really considered a hippie thing now? My mum cloth diapered both me and my sister in the 80s because it was cheaper and because, in her words “The shop-bought things couldn’t stand up to you.”

I voted no-makeup makeup, but I do feel bad about it. Because of the connotations. I actually think that people who have a distinctive look and the skills to make it happen look amazing in makeup makeup, but I, and I suspect most people, do not have the ideological/philosophical/aesthetic convictions to pull it off.

I think wine is a lot like so many things- chocolate, or beer, or coffee. At the really low end of the market you are just getting a passable product. You probably get it because it’s widely available and you just need a quick fix. If you spend a bit more you’re going to get a exponentially better product that most