Not a "People" Person

Yeah, it’s difficult because my hubs has waaaay different taste to me, so so often it’s like “Oh baby, so sweet but...giant swing and a miss.” I have, however, instructed him to never ever get me roses on Valentines day, because I love them (especially the big fat red ones- I am a bit basic there) and would rather him

I both love and dread getting flowers because I have stupidly specific tastes in them (I’m also a gardener, so this is a genuine interest in my life) and mostly people don’t get it “right.” Like, I don’t like yellow flowers, or daisies,or Gerberas, and it’s damn hard to get a ready-made bouquet that doesn’t involve

This week has been truly awful. 6 weeks ago we adopted our dog, and she’s been settling in so beautifully. Just a wonderful little ball of love and shedding hair. About 10 days ago she started losing her appetite, and by Tuesday she’d gotten really sluggish, so I took her into the vet and she was diagnosed as being in

Oh my God yes. Like, this shitbag is standing there telling her that it has to be a certain way “because it’s a kilt”? Like ANYTHING to do with their restaurant is in any way authentic to...whatever stereotyped historical mish-mash it is they’re trying to portray?

“Also, since kilts were originally men’s dress, I’m pretty sure they’re compatible with muscly legs. But of course they’d hang straighter if they actually started higher up. You know, like an actual kilt, not like a wide belt slung around the hips.”

I completely support this. Children definitely need to learn about boundaries and consent at an early age. But I’ve also had the weird experience of being expected to have contact with children I don’t want. This couple who I’m sort of friends with (we see them through mutual friends ever few months) have repeatedly

Yeah, on my last trans-Atlantic flight we were seated in front of a couple with a two-year old (I think? I do not gauge children’s ages well. Small, it was a small person.) and that poor kid was just miserable the whole flight. Couple of really big wailing sessions, but mostly just low-level grouchiness and general

I get the same thing with bison. Like, Oh God that thing is huge but IT’S SO FLUFFY. The first time we saw them at a drive-through nature reserve my husband very theatrically lent over and locked the car door because I apparently had my “cuddle lust” face on.

I did not, which is surprising because I am generally a crier. I was kind of spaced out through the entire ceremony, sort of like when you have a really bad flu but without the side effects. If someone had bumped into me I’m convinced I would have gently drifted sideways, like a very happy balloon, before rebounding

It’s true, I get carded waaaay more often when I’m bare-faced than when I wear make-up. The flip side of that is that I get taken far more seriously at work when I wear make-up.

It’s so odd to me seeing a full face of make-up without done brows now, I’m so used to bold brows being in fashion! I actually think these colors are great, but it also looks a little unfinished because of the brows- just a bit of shading in would have made everything look more contiguous.

I know, I loved this one too! It’s quite sexy, but also very fresh looking.

I work in a medical office that’s recently switched to a new computer system, and as a result all the existing patients have to fill in a brief incoming form each time they visit. It’s a two minute form, and all the questions are things like “What is your name?” Man, people HATE those forms. Every other patient will


I work for a dermatologist, and this is what my boss told me: there are definitely certain cases where some sun exposure can help with certain conditions, for example plaque psoriasis. But for most people, it’s a lot safer to just spend a bit more time outside while also wearing sunscreen, because even then some UV

I was just thinking the exact thing (I am straight-up a judgmental bitch, though).

$40 is a base-rate cut at most of the salons in my town. Last time I paid $50, plus tip, with a 30% off coupon.

I think it depends. If it’s your first cut with that stylist or you want a dramatic change I think it is helpful to arrive styled as you would normally. If you’ve been going there regularly for years your stylist probably isn’t going to need those visual cues as much.

From what I understand, it varies from individual to individual. If you wash it a lot or do a lot of heat styling, you’ll need to go more often than someone who washes once or twice a week and mostly air-dries. My hair is fine and quite fragile, I wash every day and blow-dry about four times a week, plus I favor a

The BEST stylist I ever has was the guy who cut my hair in graduate school. We’d chat a bit about my hair before my wash, then I’d sit down and he’d zone in and I’d zone out. I actually fell asleep once and he just kept going. I woke up 45 minutes later refreshed and with great hair.