Not a "People" Person

I know I'm getting old now because my strongest reaction to these was to hope that these people are wearing sunblock.

Nah. I think that in general we associate make-up with being "grown-up" and "polished," so wearing even very natural make-up will make you look older by association regardless of what it actually does for your face. I've noticed that pretty much the only times I get carded any more are when I'm not wearing make-up,

It's impossible for me to win any arguments we have. My husband is ridiculously confrontation averse and will never ever ever tell me directly when something is bothering him. I don't want to bring up any problems I have because hey, he never complains about me so I must be a right bitch for complaining about him. If

Excellent! I just bought a new red Macintosh. Of course, it cost $15 and came from my local consignment store (Via. Gap), so I doubt vogue would approve of it quite so much.

Black is a safe color, though. I know a lot of people who would be outright scandalized at the idea of a mourner not wearing black to a funeral. I've also been to one or two funerals where people were told that black wasn't required, and almost everyone wore black anyway because that was what they already had and

This is at least partially why I have "so many"* black dresses. I can wear them to work, or interviews, or court appearances, but also if I have to go to a funeral unexpectedly I have at least three I could just throw in a bag and be good to go. I live a long way from most of my family, so it's unlikely I'd even have

This was really useful! I signed up to BeautyBox5 last month, then started reading all these horrible reviews about it. When I received the February box I was actually really pleased- I got a lovely Revlon nail varnish, an Avon eye pencil, a shimmer/highlighter thing, a lipgloss that smelt like an 80's BrushALove and

I think a lot of men just don't think about or expend the introspection to realize how their own actions express some of their privilege. It's great if you think women are equal and capable of anything, but it means very little in real terms if you're unwilling to actually muck in at home and at least try to make

That's not actually the bus driver.

I've seen some legitimate criticism of the documentary, and I do think that there is a risk of "glorifying" the rapist's views in the minds of those who already think that way (there is also a quote from the defense lawyer of one of these men saying he would happily dowse his sister or daughter in petrol and set fire

Yep. It's all very well to say "every life is a gift!" but if you already have three kids and four jobs between two parents, it probably looks a lot less simple. And there are development issues that don't even kick in until after birth, such as when the fetus develops without a brain. And the wording of "life

Objection to 20 week limits tend to rest on two points. Firstly, that such measures target a very small percentage of abortions (see here) and that that small percentage is made up of very desperate or tragic cases. We're talking severe, life-limiting developmental abnormalities, or women whose circumstances are so

Yeah, this is really how I feel about it. There's no point in arguing over who "deserves" the money, because this is such a ludicrous level of wealth that it's really gone beyond any notion of merit. Just slice it up according to the law and end it!

Yeah, a year or so ago when I was finishing up grad school I read an article claiming that married men tend to do much better than married women (or unmarried men OR women) through their graduate training, but only when they're not married to other students. We're not talking just grades, but in terms of mental health

There's actually been a somewhat interesting divorce case that's received a lot of attention in the UK recently for broadly similar reasons. Basically, incredibly wealthy couple divorce after 10 years of marriage, and the wife is granted both maintenance and childcare, as well as the family home (which was worth just

This is definitely possible, but the problem with mob violence is how quickly it can spiral out of control and how difficult it can be to be sure about anything afterwards. For example, can we, at this point, be definitively sure she had bottles strapped to her body? Or did someone in the crowd (which was already

I just don't understand this phenomenon. I work in an office full of conservative, church-going, baby-obsessed women who get panicky when I say the word "damn" and who think everyone who watches anything other than Fox News is going to hell, and they all LOVE this book. And are excited to see the movie! It just

I'm not talking to my husband right now about the color of that dress. Not because I actually care about the color, but because he was being so damn patronizing about telling me what color the dress *actually* was.

I was gonna say, some of this is FSOG weirdness. The Glasgow thing is just Glasgow.

I'm actually just pretty sure this dress is Cthulhu.