Not a "People" Person

Yep. I am completely unashamed (okay, maybe I'm a little ashamed) about admitting that I love to shop when I have the money. But I am NOT an impulse buyer or a competitive buyer. I like looking at things, and walking around, and doing price comparisons. I find it all very soothing. A lot of the time I don't end up

Yep. I personally think that the problem with Botox is not the effects of the procedure itself, but the fact that it's so very effective at what it does and people get a bit hooked on it and go overboard. A little goes a very long way, so it's easy to tip into scary land (particularly if don't have a provider who's

I feel like it's supposed to be very "conceptual," but it honestly just looks like a bit of a mess.

This legislation has all the hallmarks of committee formation, and a committee that didn't particularly want the job and kept getting yelled at by special interests groups, at that. I'm not against the regulation of porn per se, but these specifications seem so incoherent and lacking in nuance (So spanking is out, but

This is pretty much what happened with my father, too. He came from a solid blue-collar working class background, got lucky with some opportunities and made the most of them. Because he worked 70hrs plus a week and bought into the corporate career ladder, he made enough money for me and my sister to go to university

I was so struck by this guy's pattern of escalation. First (we assume first, but I wouldn't be surprised if more victims don't eventually come forward) he badgers an a girl who is new to the environment and quite possibly emotionally vulnerable into sex she doesn't really want , then he flat-out assaults her, probably

I actually think the first ten minutes of Up are conceptually waaaay sadder than Mufasa dying, but it just doesn't have the same clout because I didn't first see it when I was 5. I think today's youngsters will feel the same way about Up as we do about the Lion King.

I really liked the two-thirds of Brave that I saw,* but a lot of people felt the plot didn't stand up to the initial premise, which I think is a fair criticism- it was comparatively predictable. Still, I thought it was very charming.

Yeah, I've worked in a couple of places where men were in the majority of those employed, and it really disproves the whole "It's only women who talk shit about each other" thing. Some men are just as bitchy and gossipy as some women, and when there aren't many women around they only get worse. And they're always

So, here is my thinking on this. Men who rape and/or molest women probably aren't going to be super romantic partners, even if they do not actually assault their own wives. We know Crosby had a mistress some time in the 1970s that he paid off. I don't think all marriages that endure infidelity are built on inequality

Thank you! I'm 5'2" and a little heavier than you and I frequently wear a size 8 in pants, because my weight is in my hips. But people regularly say things like "Oh, you're so tiny! What are you, a 2 or a 4?" (I'm honestly not trying to humble-brag here, I just seem to work with a lot of people who think it's

I kind of agree with you, but on the other hand if you dropped or stopped hanging out with a friend because all she ever talked about was her Paleo diet, and wouldn't eat anywhere that didn't cater to that, and would only see you during Paleo-centered activities, few people would call you an asshole. Whereas it's seen

I agree. "Vacation" also doesn't have to mean an extravagant trip abroad; for lots of people vacation is going camping or visiting relatives. And the LW says they haven't had a "family" vacation in years, so they're potentially missing out on some really important bonding moments. Honestly, it sounds like the LW is

We once had five hamsters when we were growing up (I got a hamster someone was giving away, my sister bought one she did not know was pregnant, 3 babies survived) and that was hell enough for me.

This. There's a reason for the expression "It's like trying to heard cats/get cats to walk in line." Frankly, after hearing the stories of some of my friends furry little escapologists (in single-cat homes that are not moving across world), I'm flabbergasted this couple didn't lose MORE cats.

It was a very rough and very valuable lesson. It taught me that as much as you might think you'd never act a certain way or do a certain thing, it will surprise you how easy it is in certain circumstances to make awful, potentially life-ruining mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I think cheating is shitty and people who

I think it's more complicated than that, even. I firmly believe that no one person can give you everything you want from a relationship, or at least, not all the time. Certainly, I think developing feelings for someone else can throw light on areas which need work or which are lacking, but it doesn't necessarily

I agree. I kind-of-sort-of-not-really cheated on my now husband once about a year into our relationship (we were long-distance and nominally doing the non-exclusive thing , but it absolutely felt like cheating emotionally) and it seriously broke my heart. It actually upset me way more than my partner- I couldn't sleep

"But if I based my humor on my mom I'd be broke."

Oh God, between this and the John Lewis Christmas advert my sister hooked me up with this morning, I don't think I have any feelings left for the day.