Not a "People" Person


Burstin' with something, anyway.

Not to mention that he's putting a very explicit price on his son's and daughters: one virginity card, or whatever it is they give them.

"They were bursting with anticipation!"

It did, but unfortunately I just don't fit their underwear very well. I have a relatively flat bum but very wide hips, so a lot of the more modern cuts (booty shorts, "cheeky" cuts, Brazilian cuts) just don't provide me with enough coverage and end up working their way inside me in altogether too intimate ways. It's a

Maybe I've just been extremely lucky so far, but I've never found it that difficult to ignore Christmas in the States. It's possibly because I don't have TV, and don't really go shopping on foot that much anymore for anything other than groceries. I'm also married to a man who hates Christmas and, y'know, enjoying

Agreed. I can't even vote in this country, so I try to stay out of the politics as much as possible, but it's impossible to escape the sense that Ernst isn't so much a good candidate as the lesser known of two evils (Bruce Braley not being much to crow about either). It's actually a fairly decent microcosm of the

Nope. Though I do agree with onmytiptoes that if I was already interested/sleeping with him, the straight-edge razor would be more impressive. Kind of like someone tying their tie every morning as opposed to using a clip-on.

To be fair, I've known a few guys who shaved with a straight-edge razor and they mostly did it because they found it less irritating and more effective. But then they actually used the damn things; I think the kind of guys who would buy one because they saw it in a magazine would probably just stick it in a prominent

I actually thought it was kind of cute, tbh.

I think it's going to depend on which denomination people belong to, and where. For most mainstream Catholics and also Protestants, this is basically formally recognizing what's been written on the wall for quite some time. It's akin to the church's recognition of Galileo's theories in 1992. This is really only

In the last years I've missed the wedding of one of my cousins, my grandmother's funeral, and two weddings of very close friends. Oh, and my sister's hen party. Because I didn't have the time or the money to attend. No-one got mad and everyone understood that I would have been there if I could have been. My sister

This is what I was just thinking. People move around more now, for college or work or whatever; it's not like the days when everyone you knew stayed within the same 30 mile radius for the entirety of their lives. Not to mention that everyone's busy now, so PTO is at a premium for everyone. Some people might have

I thought everything apart from the bits with Hitler were great.

Yeah, I got mine last week and it did hurt quite a bit. My arm swelled up and I felt really rough by the evening. But I went to bed early and when I got up the next morning I felt fine- I'd rather do that than actually get the flu.

Please, no more of this. Not all Europeans are paragons of sartorial virtue. Not even most French people. There are just as many badly dressed Europeans in the Louvre as there are Americans etc.

1) There doesn't actually seem to be a dress code for the Taj Mahal. 2) Even if there were, it's a mausoleum and a place of worship for many, as is St. Peter's. They are both entirely distinct in purpose from the Louvre, so I'm not sure why you think the two should be compared in this regard.

*looks at a dishrag* that's true….

I just love the whole idea of these headlines "I imitated an owl! I posed as a possum! I'm reminiscent of a reticulated chipmunk!" Can we see these outfits please? Eager minds must know.

Right? To be fair, the natural lighting in much of the Louvre is fantastic.