Not a "People" Person

This is the most polite, even-handed mental breakdown (because let's be honest- spending a week in the same fast-food restaurant because you can't bear to go home is not really typical behavior even for a bad breakup) I've EVER heard of. I'm glad she's gone home now.

Geosafari! I LOVED that thing when I was a child. My parents hated it because of the noises.

I agree. Her pursuit of Clinton was in itself awful, but he was ultimately responsible for his reaction to her and for his marriage. I don't think she is (or was) a very nice person, but she hasn't acted in any way that would warrant this continued treatment after so many years.

Prague is great (my dad used to work in the Czech republic so I've been there a few times) but I honestly think it smelled worse than Venice- I didn't notice any particular smell, but then I was there at a cooler time of the year. Also, I grew up by the sea so "marine" smells in general aren't that noticeable to me.

It's not a long flight from the UK. Plus, Venice is a pretty small city, it's very self-contained, and you do the vast majority of it on foot. I went for four days and, while I would have happily stayed for much, much longer (I held out as long as I could but by the third day I just had to admit that yes, it was the

"We took the little lungs of the babies..."

You can totally skip it. But, as someone who did the next-best-thing-to-eloping thing (just our parents and a family friend to officiate at town hall, dinner out in the evening), I have to say I sometimes regret that we didn't do the whole formal wedding shebang. It wasn't an option for us due to financial and timing

"Bride and groom met while being mutually awkward at a God-awful residence hall mixer at the beginning of graduate school. Bride spent the next two months subtly trying to signal her interest to a totally oblivious groom before resorting to the tried-and-true method of half a bottle of Jack Daniels and a complete loss

This. I'm front desk staff, and I make a lot of phone calls during the day. Naturally, my voice is very quiet and not especially high, but during office hours I have to make a conscious effort to speak clearly and enunciate. It's actually pretty tiring.

This is interesting, because I tried Cetaphil on my oily/combination skin and I felt like it wasn't doing anything. It wasn't drying at all, but it also felt like It wasn't actually getting at my skin. I was using two pumps of the stuff in a single wash to have any effect. Cera ve feels more cleansing, in that my skin

They have a sweater too!

Agreed. At first I thought it would be like any other diffusion line, in that it looks like crap when you wear it all together but there would be one or two individual pieces (ie: the maximum amount a normal person will be able to afford and get their hands on) that would be wearable and decent looking. But aside from

I think the idea would be that infection would be even more extremely unlikely in this scenario because she wouldn't be keeping such close quarters with anyone else. Of course, if she had to drive for two days she almost certainly would have been much sicker and thus more contagious by the time she arrived back in

I think the fear is not so much that it's all that likely she did infect anyone else (because it seems like everyone agrees that would be pretty unlikely), but that if another person or persons got infected, it's potentially spreading into an unknown area in an unpredictable way. Healthcare workers getting the

Yeah, my skin doesn't like it either, which is why I prefer glycolic/salicylic acid combos. But I know lots of people for whom BP works wonders.

I would recommended seeing a proper dermatologist, if possible. They will probably recommend a retinol product starting at a very low concentration to increase the turnover of the skin cells, but there are other things such as very mild chemical peels that they might suggest.

Benzoyl Peroxide works for milder skin issues too, as long as you don't get a bad reaction to it.

This is not a rule that applies to cheese, however.

Granted. But I also wonder how many people responding to an ad like this (where the movie is fairly obvious and has a big existing fan base) are going to consider it as part of a professional portfolio and how many are just regular folks who thought it sounded like a blast. I don't know too much about the process of

I kind of agree with the poster below who said it's probably a stunt, but I'm also thinking that watching a movie about male strippers grinding on a woman's lap is a tad different to being that woman. Maybe those couple of extras thought it would be incredibly hot and then just found it too embarrassing to take. I say