Not a "People" Person

Chips also seem like something that just would help with nausea (especially if they were the plain salted kind). The only thing I've ever wanted to eat after vomiting is popcorn or crackers.

This kind of attitude is interesting to me, because it almost seems like she has a pathological fear of fatness or even just of flesh. I just can't compare it with my own experience, because even when I was at my worst in terms of my disordered eating, I never felt this way about people. I have for sure hated my own

Yeah, I'm so so happy I have a dishwasher now. We can't do everything in it, because it's elderly, but I don't care about washing a few glasses and the occasional saucepan, and everything else can get stashed away where I don't have to look at it.

Yeah, my husband always laughed at my use of vacuum bags for basically everything, but that was the only way I could store my duvet over summer, my summer clothes in winter and vice verse, as well as having a few spare towels, blankets and sheets in case I ever had guests.

Yeah, when I lived in my one-bed it was the seasonal and occasional use items that foxed me. If you don't have a basement, a loft, a garage or even a decent-sized cupboard, where do you keep a Christmas tree, or snow boots? I had a small deck I never did anything with because where the hell was I going to keep

Right, but my point was that while it might be quicker and easier to do that stuff, you have to be on top of it. It's less the case with cleaning, but certainly with a smaller space if things aren't tidy it's way more obvious.

Yep, I agree- less cleaning, but more organization and constant maintenance.

Yep, that was pretty much my first apartment when I moved to the US! It's not so bad with one person, because it takes 3 minutes to clean one plate and set of cutlery, but you have to be on it all. The. Time.

Good point- you can really clean more effectively in a small space.

Oh my god, the lawn thing is so weird! My husband has no interest in the garden at all, I'm the one who trims the plants and weeds and so on, but he's somehow taken over the task of mowing. I'll offer to do it and he gets antsy, as though I'm implying he's not living right. My dad was the same way- no green thumb to

"...many people could live in smaller spaces with less stuff and reduce the amount of upkeep a house takes, too."

I'm guessing advertising, but I honestly don't know. This is one of those things about the modern world I don't understand.

Never apologize. To be honest, I think all my feelings about this advert are in caps.

Also, not to be rude, but this town looks like a perfect shithole. In fact, it looks eerily similar to the perfect shithole I grew up in, so much so that I had to double-check. It's a shame, for a moment I thought we finally had something other than than the serial suicides and the time the man dressed as a Teletubby

I KNOW RIGHT!? They didn't even make a thing out of it! It's a blink and you'll miss it thing! Did they think no-one would realize if they kept it really short?

That man DEFINITELY owns a boat, and that old couple should have no hesitation about believing him and giving him their life savings.

They're Scottish! Quick, take it back!

This is the BEST THING EVER. The blatant ripping off of Virgin Airways, the guy doing the...air flip? In the dress at 1:59, the "HIIIIIIIIII nice to meet yuuuuu!" right at the end (because nothing says professionalism to us Brits like having two manic saleswomen in identical dresses descend on you the moment you step

Yep. If I were her I'd be stashing the maximum amount possible away and looking into retraining for publicity or marketing positions and similar, because I think that's something she seems to have an instinct for.

Agreed. I really can't fault her for choosing a career option that apparently got her out of debt in return for doing something she obviously enjoys. I might wish that education had been that option, but I'm honestly not surprised that society will reward a white woman more for shaking her ass in public. I hope she's