Not a "People" Person

I got my boobs at about that age. Puberty hit me like a bus- I went from a normal-to-scrawny 10 year old to having to buy maternity bras (the only ones locally available in those pre-internet times that would fit me) and wearing adult women's clothing at 11. It was horrible. In school I got molested by another pupil

Agreed with all of this. I think the concept itself as expressed by the curator, sounds amazing, but I'm not sure I trust the fashion industry to deal well with the subtleties that he's trying to convey. And most people will ignore the theme itself anyway, but you just know there'll be one or two...

I haven't actually had many breakups, but I can totally see this working this way. If there's drama, you can at least think "Well I don't have to deal with that anymore," and if the breakup is explosive at least you've got the closure of burned bridges. If you get on very well but just aren't in the right place it's

This is exactly why I don't like running outside. Even the people shouting "encouraging" things upset me, because oh god now I know they're watching, and I can't stop for my stretching break now without someone yelling "Keep going!" At least in the gym I can stick my earphones in and zone out.

I didn't! This was in the UK though, maybe they didn't have them there?

I remember flying once in my childhood, this was back in the early nineties. It was only a short flight, but it was SUCH a nice experience- we got goody bags with toothbrushes and eye masks and some small puzzles for us kids. It is not like that now.

Yep, you've just described my plane uniform. I actually have a pair of dockers that are my designated "plane pants," because they're comfy and perfectly neat looking but I wouldn't really wear them regularly.

I totally agree. I like to dress at least a little pulled-together for flying because it helps me feel somewhat less crappy at the end of it. But there's no need to dress for the upgrade you probably won't be receiving either.

"And it wasn't even about a guy!"

Isla Fisher would be great as long as she was playing a ditz. That's her wheelhouse. She would also play brilliantly against Aisha Tyler.

My first thought. What a terribly chosen name.

Damn, I hate polo shirts and I totally see that.

I think it's the suggestion that action, manly manly action, is about to be taken. He's probably going to build a boat or something. A boat we can have sex on.

Yeah, my husband uses the same stuff. It's a good 'un.

Yes yes yes to all of this, especially the rolled up sleeves.

This is more innocuous that weird, but I find men's forearms are really attractive. So rolled up sleeves really do it for me, especially if they're rolled up jumper sleeves. Maybe it's the contrast between the wool and the skin? Distracting...

SUCH a Toby fangirl over here. I don't know if it's the politics or the grumpiness, but I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I was married to him in the late 1800s. It was pretty much the best dream I've ever had.

I actually grew up in the UK, so I am fully committed to the duvet system (you can just wrap it round your feet! Ghosts MAY be ale to get through a topsheet, but through 9 tog duvet? Not bloody likely!). Comforters seem so...unhygienic. Unfortunately, my American hubs insists on having a top sheet anyway, so I still

Exactly! I'm also one of those people who likes to sleep halfway down the bed so I can stretch my arms out. If I don't tuck in the sheet my feet inevitably stick out and get freezing cold.

Not me. My sheets are made of (organic) garlic. And I use garlic as a wall decoration. And I eat a lot of garlic.