Not a "People" Person

I'm very surprised that Gwyneth would refer to blankets and sheets. I would have assumed she would have adopted the duvet system, because it's what fancy European people do.

*Narrows eyes* I am married to one of you people and it makes me sick.

Richard Attenborough also passed away recently- prehaps not as legendary as the others you've mentioned, especially in the US but it gave me quite a lurch.

I totally get that. I don't think Andy Dwyer the character is meant to be "hot," but now that we've seen more of Chris Pratt as an actor and as a person he is becoming symbiotically hotter.

The BEST bits of the show are the interplays between Ron and Andy.

Haven't seen Everwood, so I can't comment on that, but I did love him in Parks and Rec. I will say, though, that I didn't realize just how hot he is/could be, because Andy in the first season was just a dick, and after that he gradually became this adorable but idiotic schlub. I think it's a testament to his skills as

Yep. Iowa gets a bad rap by association, but I contend that it's definitely the least bad of the Midwestern states politically, and is otherwise very charming.

I heard a rumor that she spends most evenings crocheting and watching Netflix.

Amazing that a straight white Christian conservative male could not have experienced harassment or discriminatory behavior in an institution largely geared towards straight, white, Christian, conservative males. He's really giving us a much overlooked viewpoint, here.

The length is the biggest issue for me.

I think if the dress were longer it would look great, and really play into the dramatic/sultry look she's going for. But this midi length is awkward, and combined with the overdone make-up the whole thing just looks a bit clunky.

I mean, I've had extremely good filo pastry that could have been mistaken for parchment paper on first glance. But it certainly didn't cut or taste like parchment paper. You'd basically have to ignore what you were ordering, and then ignore what you were eating, to achieve this- which sound like exactly what this

People are so weird. I got married six months ago, kept my last name simply because I am so used to it and didn't want the hassle. Hubs didn't care (we actually didn't even discuss it until we went to get the marriage license and the clerk mentioned that we could change it now if we wanted to). I was honestly very

That's such a weird thing to say! Granted, Sears is in a bit of trouble right now, but it's one of America's oldest and most prominent retail chains. That dude is veeeeeeery lucky he didn't end up being called unpatriotic on Fox or something.

Oh I completely agree. Kids will test boundaries, it's what they do, and schools and parents are responsible for adequately enforcing those boundaries.

I agree, but being able to uncouple those concepts just doesn't seem realistic, at least right now. I know so many people who will say things like "If I drunkenly stagger onto the highway I expect a car to hit me," not accepting that a closer analogy would be more like "If I'm walking along the sidewalk drunk I expect

I think a lot of men assume that their aesthetic preferences are an objective universal standard. This probably guy assumed that since she was too "fat" for his tastes, she must have felt dreadful about herself and would love to be reassured that she was still somewhat visually acceptable to this fine, upstanding

People can be so weird about children and sexuality. I know a lot of parents who think it's "adorable" when their 5 year-old son has a girlfriend at school that he kisses on the cheek and holds hands with, but who would be horrified at the notion that their 11 year old daughter might feel any physical urge towards

It seems like she maybe didn't take the drugs until pretty late into her pregnancy (lots of women don't know if they're pregnant until pretty far along, or she may have had trouble getting the drugs earlier), and they either induced the premature labor or had no effect. She either genuinely thought the baby was dead,

Agreed. I don't want to rush to judgement either way about this, because she could be a horrible person, but there could be all kinds of factors contributing to her actions that we just don't know about.