Not a "People" Person

I'm wondering about this woman's background and situation, because although I will happily acknowledge that there are just some horribly callous and cruel people in the world, the reported facts seem to indicate that this woman was extremely desperate and disadvantaged. Maybe she didn't have family in her life to

Straight up, the only time I have EVER heard the term "Britisher" being used was in an Agatha Christie novel. That was published in the mid 1930s. So if this guy is just living in that era, no wonder all this racism seems normal.

Me too. Flat, but wide. I found that squats and uphill walking will add definition and tone, which definitely helps but they don't plump it out much.

I think she's boosting them with inserts.

Holy crapballs.

And that would have been even easier in this case since apparently their relationship was long distance and his family knew nothing about her. I honestly think it's a dick move too, but it's the waaaaaay easier, less likely to backfire on you dickmove.

There is a part of me that really, really wants to try Zumba because dammit it look like a riot. The rest of me knows that I would stand there awkwardly feeling terrible about my lack of coordination and saying "sorry!" every five minutes when I collide with someone.

I'm really surprised this would be considered such a big deal. My father had friends who used to raise rabbits and pigeons to sell for meat in his neighborhood as a child- they were poor folk and rabbit bulked up the protein portion of their diet considerably (though of course you should never rely solely on rabbit

The best part is that everyone WAS drunk! My family are solidly working-class Welsh valleys folk, so everyone had been hitting it real hard since the post-ceremony "champagne"* tipples. By this point in the evening I think maybe 30% of the guests were still wearing shoes. Point is, these are not people who normally

This reminds me of the time I volunteered to supervise my mum's class of 5 year olds on a visit to a local wildlife sanctuary. Bear in mind that these were mostly scrappy city kids who could barely be left alone with a tree for fear that they'd set it on fire. It was, as I had gloomily expected, a shitshow. I

Yeah, this is a textbook example of people who are trying to keep their kids away from sex turning completely normal things into something sexual.

I have to say, my cousin and his ex-wife (who no-one thought for a minute could possibly be virgins) got VERY handsy during their first dance. It was essentially like a big circle of people applauding their make-out session, and you could see people's faces going from "Awwww!" to "Okay, that's about enough....oh, this

Honestly, the idea of allowing a kid to just not eat stuff they claim not to like is mind-boggling to me. I was a picky kid, and if given my druthers I would have eaten nothing but salami and lemonade for the duration of my childhood. But my parents didn't let me do that, because scurvy. I had to try stuff I hadn't

Yeah. Her style is not all that exciting, but she executes it well and has only had one or two minor slip-ups that I can recall. Of course she looks a little frumpy compared to other fashionable women of her age, but she's one of the most highly profiled and most consistently watched Royals so she really can't afford

It's surprising how much it adds up. A lot will depend on the individual woman's flow, which can vary both individually and over the course of the period. A super plus tampon might be fine at the beginning of your period, but after the first two days it might be too absorbent and thus uncomfortable. So you need to buy

The VAT situation in the UK is particularly interesting because it's specifically justified by sanitary products being designated as a "luxury item" back in 1978. But this justification isn't applied consistently- Jaffa Cakes, some exotic meats, postage stamps and incontinence products all have a 0% VAT charge or are

It's amazing how reticent many people still are about things like tampons or sanitary pads. My husband put out a FB status joking about how proud he was that he'd managed to get the right pads without needing specific instructions (he also brought me home a bar of chocolate, because he's a quick learner), and one of

I don't know. I had my passport photo taken for my US Visa a few years ago and the ones that I thought would be rejected for just this reason (it was from a slightly upward angle, I look nothing but forehead) were accepted while others that I thought of as being far more basic and accurate were rejected. It's

I am...very confused by this trailer. I count myself as a mild musicals geek, but I'd admittedly never heard of this show (though I have heard of Sondheim). This trailer didn't make me at all excited. I hate trailers that lead with a long list of the "big names" they've managed to scoop anyway, and together with the

My favorite is "But that child would still rather live in poverty or in foster care or in neglect than not be born!" Which makes no sense.