Not a "People" Person

Well my husband and I have been living separately since we got married six months ago while I finish grad school. I'm kind of hoping that 6 months gets taken into the equation! We're moving in together next week and while I'm so stoked for it, it's also like "Shit's gettin' real, yo."

My mum told me when I got married that the first 1-2 years of her marriage were the hardest. I guess that's because of the transition from "couple" to "husband and wife" and all the real shit you have to deal with when you start trying to cobble a life together together.

I like the idea behind it, but that weirdly long waist just ruins it for me. Makes it look like a weird, 70s, Quaker-ish thing.

I think we need to discuss how this is almost a good idea, but turned out really, really hideous.

Wow, I can't decide what's worse. The dress, or her "I'm so over this whole wedding thing" hipster husband.

This is how I feel once I've showered after a workout. So, I agree with both of you!


I've promised myself that as soon as I'm making money again I'm going to treat me and the hubs to a good steak dinner, complete with a good Islay whisky. The rest will go into savings, but sometimes I like to dress up and pretend I'm rich, y'know?

There must be consignment stores nearby (I mean, it's Portland, right?)- do a quick google search and take them there, and you can cut out the entire internet thing. You won't make back a tonne, mind. But the chances are you will still have a few pieces left over (the selection process in most consignment stores is

We do kind of have white history studies. Well, whiteness studies anyway. It looks into the social construction of whiteness as an ideology. It's a pretty interesting field, although it has a lot of the problems with more exuberant scholarship that you often get in new academic disciplines.

Oh man, I'm not even that big a fan of hairless cats, but that guy's ADORABLE.

This would be the ideal situation. I don't actually mind him using the computer for a couple of hours in the evening, because hey, I'm just over here reading my book and drinking wine anyway, but I'd prefer it if we also spent at least an hour or two a night doing something collectively.

Yeah, I'm reluctant to tackle the issue before the move, because it'll be a big life change and he might alter his habits afterwards. I have to admit, I'm also reluctant to ask for changes because for the next few months he'll be supporting me, and I don't want to be a nagging, clingy housewife stereotype! But I have

I'm so glad you mentioned the depression, because it's something I worry about with him a lot. He does have a history of anxiety issues, and he often gets into moods where he won't say anything to me for hours on end or shuts down any attempt at conversation. On more than one occasion we've gone to dinner with his

Okay, so this seems like a good a place as any to ask this question: how much time do people think is appropriate/healthy to spend on the computer every day?

I'm really hoping she's either talking about sending sexy messages over Facebook, or arranging hook-ups over Facebook. Because unfortunately, "hooking up on Facebook" would seem to suggest that there are people who simply consider friending people on Facebook to constitute infidelity, and those kind of paranoid

These guys are like the living embodiment of patriarchal thinking. Which is what, to me, anyway, is so interesting about Elliot. I've said this before, but these guys are people who really and truly believe that the world works in a certain way, and it's exactly what we talk about when we talk about patriarchy. The

None of it is going to make a blind bit of difference unless every store in the US standardizes their sizes. A size 4 or a Medium should be the same size as a size 4 or a Medium bought from any other store.

Yeah, my family did the same thing. A couple of years ago we did some renovation work on the back garden and I was very concerned in case we unearthed any. I think they had all disintegrated, though.

Yep. And (and this is the bit people never seem to get) 9/10 that guy is fine. Maybe even 99/100 (though is my experience it's somewhat lower than that). But those 99 other times don't make up for the 1 time in 100 that he turns out to be into public masturbation, molestation, or someone who likes to stand there and