Not a "People" Person

Agreed. Though I actually know quite a few women who had lousy pregnancies, and a fair number of them have cited that as a reason that they don't want any more children. Which is fair enough- pregnancy is a Big Fucking Deal for a woman's body after all.

THIS. People keep nattering on as though hem weights would solve this problem entirely. Hem weights heavy enough to keep a skirt from blowing up at all in the updraft caused by a helicopter (which is really not the kind of thing they're designed for) would completely distort the hang of that dress.

This is incredibly disturbing, but I have to admit, the anger he's displaying is familiar. I see this reaction a lot in younger men (women too, but not that frequently) who have lived their whole life thinking the world works one way and expecting the world to work one way. And then they start to see the real world

My father wanted to call me Huelwen (pronounced Hile-win), which is an old Welsh name meaning "sunshine." My dad has always been a bit of a hippy on the sly. I don't think that's a name that would have suited me until I was 50, and probably running a store selling therapeutic crystals. He also wanted to call my sister

I heard that story too, except in that version everyone had 2-foot long chopsticks instead of no elbows.

That is just terrible. I agree, it's almost like she's saying he might as well be dead. And even though it's got to be hard caring for him, it can't be good for her either to keep going back to this mental image of the "perfect" child that disappeared.

Yeah, I attended a graduation ceremony last week and a fair few of the students had decorated their hats. I saw more in the undergraduate class that was exiting the building as we entered. It was "distracting" I guess in the sense that it gave me a momentary chuckle, but graduations are meant to be a celebration, not

This is terrible, not only because she's wrong but because she's completely invalidating the life he has now. Obviously, severe autism is an incredibly challenging disorder to live with, but she's making it sound like he has no life worth living at all.

I don't understand why anyone would choose Job as their favorite Biblical passage, outside the language being really rather beautiful. It's an incredibly dark, messed-up story, basically a pissing contest between two divine forces, with poor Job stuck in the middle and being castigated for things he has no control

He, not she.

My basic rule for all social media is to only say things that I would be okay with my mother hearing. Not least because she's on Facebook too. But it's actually a pretty easy standard to maintain because my mother is way cool.

Oh I love my glasses. They are the thick plastic-framed kind but I got them in dark purple instead of black, and it looks much nicer with my skin. But they are the only thing that gives my face any shape in the morning!

Another pale redhead here! I am weirdly convinced that filling in/darkening my eyebrows makes me look smarter. I don't have any particular basis for this, other than maybe it makes my face more expressive. I do prefer to dye them, and my eyelashes, though, simply because it saves having apply make-up in those areas.

I would say it's the best they've released since the heydays of Beauty and the Beast (that almost came out as Beauty and the Beat, and that's a movie I'd want to watch!). The plot, as others have said, is not particularly interesting. But the rest of the movie is executed so well that I didn't really mind that.

I'm honestly being very tongue in cheek there.

As a Brit, I do enjoy the American elevation of all things French. Obviously we buy into the myth of the Gallic allure too, but it's leavened with the faint impression that we should hate them a lot more than we do, in fact, do, and the barely-restrained suspicion that they're having one over on us by enjoying


This remind me very much of what one of my friends said concerning her time in Russia. I don't remember which head of state it was, but she remembers her host family complaining heavily about it, and when she asked "Well, what do you expect for the future?" they just shrugged and one of them said "He will be killed,

Not all French women.

One of my favorites, is that one.