Not a "People" Person

Oh I see results, they're just not as dramatic as I somehow expect them to be. I think that's partly a cultural thing- I don't even watch shows like The Biggest Loser but I definitely yearn for that before/after transformation. I sometimes think what we expect to gain from exercise is pretty exaggerated.

"Don't ask to look like a celebrity. Look like you," he remarks. "If you need someone as inspiration, fine. But just be the best you can be, don't worry about everyone else."

I think you've identified a very key point here- not all sufferers of trauma, even when it's broadly the same kind of trauma, are going to react to the same things in the same way. I'm broadly on the side of having trigger warnings on material that could be difficult for some people, but I think a lot of people

I think guys like this mentally separate the female population of the world into two halves: women they would bang (typically because they meet some fairly arbitrary standard) and uggos. And they assume that their taste is representative of every other man in the world. He also sounds fairly young, and I've typically

Personally, I don't mind my partner noticing other women when I'm with him or flirting with them when I'm not (he also doesn't know how to flirt, so that's kind of an empty gesture on my behalf) but I would be incredibly annoyed if he was staring at other women while out with me. I mean, he's a human being, he's

I think it helps that neither of them come from traditionally wealthy families. David's background is very much typically working-class and Victoria's family seems to have been first-generation middle class (although certainly very comfortable). I think given their public faces it's easy to forget that they've both

Much as I love their friendship, I wish we could just retire the word "bromance." It makes it seem like there's something unusual or exceptional about close male friendships, which is really, really sad.

Oh I have pin-straight hair too, but it gives the stylist an idea of the kind of texture I'm after!

It really says a lot that even Lively, with her damn-near textbook physique, can't make this look like anything other than an unholy mess.

Either you think abortion is morally conscionable or you don't. Roe vs. Wade means that up until viability, it's your decision to make.

I'll agree with you for the big players. But I've been to a lot of "fancy" restaurants where the food was just fine. Especially Italian places- most Italian cuisine can be put together at home fairly easily once you've had practice. I don't necessarily care though, because eating out for me is about more than the

I always bring a picture of her hair to new hairdressers, because it's a take on the pixie that is actually super flattering- the slight extra length means you can play around with the proportion and tailor it to suit lots of different faces.

I wish it was sleeveless.

It is sooooo humid in Cannes.

OMG I love Tim Roth in a way that is not entirely explicable. I might actually have to go see this movie now!

I was in Cannes on the same day as an erotic film festival. Unfortunately, we left before people actually started showing up, 'cos you know French erotic film is gonna be good.

In fairness, I've been to Cannes around this time of year, and it was humid as all wtfurghhhhhnoooooooooo. Which is the sound my sister made after she saw herself in a shiny store window and realized her usually silky-smooth do had been gradually expanding like a sponge over the two hours we'd been there. Letitia and

I think a lot of people like to shit on fast food/Starbucks because they think it denotes an innate superiority of taste. I certainly realize- and I think the vast majority of other consumers do too- that I could make something cheaper and/or better at home, but then the same logic applies to a lot of upmarket

This is magnificent. And it is a bit scary, when you lay it out like that, to consider that for the last 13 years or so of my life I have been living (as most women do) under the shadow of the possibility of pregnancy. I've been lucky in that I grew up in a part of the world with good access to free reproductive

"My hope would be that, yes, this bill would reduce the number of abortions because the woman would come to realize in that 48 hours that yes, it's a life she's taking and decide not to do that."