Not a "People" Person

As someone who watched her parents fight and shout and be unhappy all through her childhood, I'd say do it now. Kids are more resilient than we give them credit for; as long as you can keep things fairly amicable with your partner, you're talking about a short-term transition before everyone drops into a new routine,

From what I've heard, as long as you're not using weights, you shouldn't be able to damage yourself too much- given that you used to dance you should be fine.

Pole dancing/workout is something I feel like I would love to do, even if just the once; I have some pretty gnarly body/sexuality issues and it would be fantastic to be in an environment where getting with your sexier side is encouraged. I feel like it would be so good for my confidence. That said, my confidence level

FOUR YEARS. Four years of Snoopy coitus. I just don't get it.

I mean...why would you date this person? I don't care how hot someone is, if they're toting a plush toy to our first date that isn't explicable as an eccentric gift, a dare, or a present for their hospital-bound niece or nephew, there's not going to be a second date. It's nutty that this got to the slapping stage

Isn't there an episode of New Girl where Schmidt gets asked what he likes about India and it's Rudyard Kipling and Chutney? This is so like that that I really, really want to believe it was joke.

Yeah, my husband I and are both firmly on the "Never say never, but definitely not now" side of things. I just don't have any maternal instinct right now, and one of the reasons I'm glad we got married fairly young is because I want a good couple of years to settle into that stage of our relationship before we have to

Yeah, the main reason I don't wash my bras that often (typically every 10 to 14 days, if I remember...) is because they cost a bomb, and as a result I only have a 3 or so of them at any one time. Washing does tend to make them deteriorate faster and I want to put off spending that money as long as possible!

You know, that's pretty fair, which is why generally I don't take too much notice of celebrity gossip (and I don't read any celebrity magazines). But the caveat is that brand and personae management is a huge part of any actor's career, and certainly one as well-known and respected as Johansson. She is not entirely

I generally make a point of never having much of an opinion about celebrities, but I really, really dislike Scarlett Johansson. I remember reading a profile years ago in Vogue when she described this "new phrase" she'd heard (this may be verbatim, so firmly was it etched in my memory): "Idiot wind. It's what comes

Nope. Icky as all hell.

Not all feminists, though. I agree it would probably be more controversial, but every time anything about strippers/sex workers shows up on Jezebel there's a pretty even split between commenters who think it's demeaning, commenters who think it's empowering, and people who think it's just a damn job. The editorial

I'd bet a good sense of humor is linked to longevity, too.

Bet that made the next Sunday service awkward.

It's hard to imagine this situation in reverse, though. I mean, would a child even consider their father "defiled" because he went to a strip club?

Also, if my son was such a humorless little pill, I know I'd suffer moments of "partial dementia" ifyouknowwhatImean.

I've always been so confused by the notion that we need to "protect" old people from the world. They've been in it/at it longer than us, after all. that 85-year-old Bernice Youngblood was "confused and bewildered as to why a muscular, almost nude man, was approaching her...a picture of his mother stuffing dollar bills into a dancer's man-panties...

They put Urea in there, so it smells faintly like pee. Mixed with a bunch of other chemicals.

I think it's the Urea, tbh. I know they put a lot of other stuff in there, but I swear it's all I can smell.