Not a "People" Person

I felt pretty much exactly the same way as you about my own leg hair for a very long time. And then one winter I just didn't shave for about two months (crazy work schedule, illness, and being in a LTR meant leg shaving went right to the bottom of my priority list) and it completely broke the cycle. Once the hair gets

I feel like her style has been a bit wobbly since she became a Royal Mum. She's always dressed rather conservatively for her age but I think since the birth she's been encouraged to go even more so in that direction. And of course this is a very formal function, so there's a certain expectation there.

Replying here to Chief Queef- I honestly agree with you, though I feel the need to hedge my statements while the trial is ongoing. I just associate the phrase "in cold blood" to mean without emotion, whereas I think the situation here was sort of the opposite.

The thing is, even if the jury accepts his version of events, he's still a killer. He can't pretend he wasn't the hand behind the trigger, so his best option is to try and give the impression that he's not the kind of person who would intentionally murder someone.

Well, it also helps that for the last couple of decades the Queen has favored more closely-fitted shift-style dresses and coats. You can get skirt weights, but they tend to quite small, and to prevent a Marilyn of this degree (accounting for the probable updraft encountered while disembarking) they would create a

I dunno about cold blood- that suggests it was premeditated in some way. I think he just lost his temper/control and shot at her. If it was premeditated, it's the shoddiest attempt at a cover-up I've ever seen.

That was my first thought as well, but she's disembarking from a plane after all- if the updraft is strong enough skirt weights probably won't make that much difference.

Yeah...I was raised in a very "traditional," 1950s-ish household where my mother stayed home and looked after my siblings and I and my dad went to work and was only briefly glimpsed passing through on weekends. Though I'm very grateful for the material comforts that system allowed us to enjoy (my father was working

I read an article of hers a few years ago in the Guardian- she seems to be pretty intelligent and a good advocate for her industry.

I saw a counselor a few years ago for my social anxiety (which is not directly related but does overlap, I think) and she suggested that whenever I feel awkward or overlooked in a conversation I should pay attention to my body language. It's too easy for me to end up hunched over and not looking directly at anyone.

I do this sometimes because I'm paranoid about my eyes disappearing when I smile.

I've never done it either (probably because I'm from the UK and our coastal equivalent is not as hot and sunny as yours) but the idea doesn't appeal now and probably wouldn't have when I was the right age. It sounds too much like competitive fun.

I am SO with you on the Ted/Robin relationship. They didn't seem like the greatest match in season 1, they spent all of season 2 trying to bend over backwards and convince themselves that they were well suited to each other, and by season 3 I just wanted to slap the both of them sensible. For a show that ostensibly

It was a major breakthrough in my life when I realized that most people aren't just naturally good in social situation and have to work on it a bit. My problem with LW1 is not that she's not getting on with these women, it's that she doesn't seem to want to try. Maybe these women will seem less boring if she actually

This is what people do in the UK every year, even though we usually only get about ten truly warm days per summer. The shops are full of neon-coloured t-shirts, sandals, frilly bohemian skirts, and you're just walking around thinking "I've been wearing these same jeans and ankle boots for nine months. I think I'm

Reminds me of the groups of Victorian seamstresses in London who used to pitch in their saving once a year to buy a beautiful hat that they would share amongst themselves. Unfortunately, you can't share a haircut.

And, as someone else pointed out, personal appearance isn't just a luxury. Looking neat and tidy can be a big part of getting a better job or earning a promotion. Also, a lot of women I know will splurge on an expensive haircut once or twice a year and then rely on a much cheaper stylist to maintain the style with

I was talking about this with my students the other day. I'm from the UK and while people in Britain can be just as materialistic and money-driven as anyone else, I had never encountered anything like the loathing of poverty driven by fear and paranoia before I came to America.

Never eaten margarine. My mum was staunchly against it while I was growing up because apparently pigs won't eat it, and pigs generally seem to know what's what. I think it might actually be illegal in the UK?

Yep. I live in the blue dot that is Lawrence. It's a great town, but I'm very happy to be moving to Iowa soon. Iowa is far, far from perfect on these matters, but it leaves Kansas in the dust.