Not a "People" Person

It's astonishing to me too. My parents always raised me to believe there was an inherent dignity in work. Whether you were picking up trash on the roadside, taking care of someone's baby, cleaning toilets, whatever. Everyone deserves to be able to make a living doing whatever benefits those around them, and human

To be fair, she does seem to have shocked some people. Or at least provoked some people into pretending to be shocked despite the fact that Cyrus is merely the Xtina of her day. I think her dad's pretty much right about this one- if it wasn't Cyrus is would be someone else because manufactured outrage and cultural

Oh my God yes. This exhortation to be "honest" is basically a snide way to make you the bad guy because you didn't do them the courtesy of liking them as much if not more than they like you. If it's not a flat-out negotiation, it turns into "What, am I not good-looking enough for you?" or "So is this because I don't

It's not even innovative on a basic level, either. I have known multiple men in the 18-27 range who think a sleeping bag is perfectly to use indoors. On a bed. In the 21st century.

I'm honestly very surprised by this content. My ma reads Good Housekeeping in the UK and while it can be a bit "crochet your own bunting!" at times, there are also lots of articles on things like achieving work-life balance or body confidence, and most of the magazine seems to be devoted to recipes and reviews of

“I’m a very liberal person with thick skin and it’s hard to offend me."

The Hermes men's fragrances are TO DIE FOR, on women or men. about three people I know of varying gender have started wearing Terre d'Hermes after I picked up a bottle a few years ago. Voyage d'Hermes is great too. Now if only they weren't so pricy...

Oh yeah, my hair grows like a weed. That's actually one of the reasons I usually get fed up of the pixie cuts- they look great, but having to get a haircut every four weeks is a serious money-sink. And I've never found a stylist that can cut it the same way twice!

I seem to be on a constant three-year hair cycle: Cut it to pixie length, love it intensely for a year or so, eventually get bored, try to grow it out, get past shoulder length and remember that my hair is bum and just flops around developing split ends once it gets there. Attempt a bob, get frustrated, cut it to

I do have a habit of overdosing on cheap haircuts when stressed. Walking into a Great Clips/Supercuts/Mastercuts without even an instructional photo? So not worth it. Fortunately, I already have short hair so the results usually self-correct in 3-4 weeks.

I do this too. When I found out my grandmother had terminal cancer I went out and blew my week's grocery allowance in three hours. It was defiantly a way of fooling myself into feeling I was into control- like, "I can't solve this massive, overwhelming issue, so I am going to find a smaller issue to resolve, such as

Yeah, I just couldn't handle the comments, particularly the ones extorting the women to have more "self-respect;" if you find yourself incapable of respecting someone simply because they have no clothes on, that's really your own problem, buddy.

I don't, but then I'm from Europe and grew up in a pretty naked house. I shared a bathroom and a bath variously with my mother, my aunt, and my three cousins of both genders, so I'm pretty accustomed to familial nudity.

It would be interesting to know. I mean, I'm guessing she doesn't actually shop much, because she seems very busy (and also she's never struck me as someone who shops for fun), but then she probably does get sent or given stuff quite a lot. Which doesn't mean she necessarily keeps much or any of it. And if she has

I doubt it a little, simply because I've never known a person to be able to give an accurate account of their shoes; my experience is that people always seem to underestimate. I keep thinking I have about ten pairs of shoes when actually it's a bit higher than that. My boyfriend claimed he only had two pairs of shoes

I was going to say, given her connection with Peopletree, that it's odds-on her shoes are, in fact, lentil or at the very least legume based.* I actually don't have a problem with what she says, in fact I agree with her, but then again I'm not in show business, and I can't help but think getting a reputation for

This makes me miss running. I was pretty damn healthy a year or two ago, when I was unemployed and I needed something to get me out of the house and help me sleep at night. I was running about 5k three days for a year, ran a 10k for charity (my time was appalling, but I was elated t0 have run the entire course without

I tend to agree. I mean, in the (as yet hypothetical) scenario that the family is going through a rough divorce and she's just found out that her father is having an affair, then ignores her attempts to confront her about it, I can see her flipping out and wanting to embarrass him as much as possible. I'm sure this

Great points. Coming from a liberal arts background, I've found that having a diverse student body is absolutely imperative to furthering research and understanding and enriching student knowledge and experience (and I think people forget that that is the primary aim of higher education- it isn't, or shouldn't be, a

This is something we're only just starting to see in the UK- the importance of extracurriculars and sports and so on, which has not traditionally been a huge aspect of UK state education. But when you've got a huge number of good, not great students who are all angling for the same places at the same institutions, you