Not a "People" Person

This is what bamboozles me about the whole thing. College/university applications are complicated, and the bottom line is that you are never guaranteed an offer of admission; in the UK I know at least one person who was rejected by one school with 5 A grades at GCE-A level (for context, at the time most people only

I really don't know if anyone would actually do that look IRL- it seems like there'd be way too much chance of nip-slip or full exposure, even more so than with inner/sideboob because at least with that you can use tit tape. I always assumed underboob was one of those things you only saw in editorial shoots or

Yeah, I think their definition of "the literal line between the two breasts that can occur if the boob owner is particularly well-endowed" complicates things unnecessarily.

In my head you're still showing cleavage because you can see your chest between the boobs. I've always just considered the cleavage to be the bit between your breasts; saying the breasts have to be pushed together seems to be complicating the situation unnecessarily.

I always assumed the term "cleavage" referred to the chest area between the breasts (root: to cleave: to separate along a natural grain line ), not the breast itself, thus Miley would be revealing all of her cleavage plus some sideboob, and you would be showing some cleavage plus topboob (?) in the situation you've

I mean yeah, actually underage kids are generally really, really good at working out the basic requirements of sexual intercourse (technique and a certain amount of style may or may not be picked up later on). Which is why if we have any ambition to manage our society responsibly we need them to also gain a

They are much better toasted. It's just sometimes they're not better enough to merit the extra arm movement...

It's that bit at the end where you see he's made himself a nice little dinner with proper vegetables on a real plate and a nice glass of wine just for himself that does it for me. I mean, most evenings I can barely bring myself to get the pop tart into the toaster, and I'm not even bereaved.

My best gal-pal and I love going to Chilis, because as broke grad students we can go in the middle of the day and hit happy hour (aka cheap Margaretas), plus free chips and salsa. I don't know if they'll do it everywhere, but at our local they'll fill up take-away bags of chips, not just your leftovers but actual

Um, I'm British, and I've got to tell you, just based on this, that your dad sounds like a right cock.

Where I come from in the UK it's like living in a leaky Tupperware container year round; never warm enough but never properly cold, damp, and suffused with a persistent sense of greyness.

I think the most telling portrayal of the state of modern Britain is that scene where he's walking past the street kids and trying to avoid a confrontation with them, and then after they start bugging him for his coke he offers it to them and they start calling him a peado.

I would be interested to see the regional breakdown of respondents, because I think that would affect the outcome greatly. I'm from south Wales, and I wouldn't describe my average compatriot as "reserved" at all; I've actually found that in the US, where I currently live, I'm likely to be far more candid than many

Oh lordy. I actually like anime, but a lot of it is totally impenetrable to the casual viewer; it's really not date-appropriate at all unless you're actually dating another devotee.

Oh god, jazz. I am well aware that jazz is a wonderful art form, and one of the few original American contributions to the world, and that it's simply that I have very unsophisticated tastes...but I would rather chew my own leg off than sit through (another) three-hour set played by an amateur group in a badly-lit

God I love Sam, and by inevitable extension the actor who plays him. One of the best examples of casting from the series, I think.

I am really looking forward to seeing this. It looks glossy, stylish and ultimately nihilistic, which is exactly how I want my Sofia Coppola thankyuhverymuch. Also, even though it was only four years ago, this felt very much like an encapsulated moment of modern culture- this was just after the peak of the WAG

I actually think parental pressure can be as much of a factor in these cases as peer. Particularly in cases of college/frat hazing, I wonder if many kids feel like they have to stay quiet and take this treatment because their folks have spent so much on getting them in there or are so happy that they're a third

It's all so sad. I'm absolutely not one of those people who think that of you willingly sign up for a frat/hazing then you don't get to complain about it, I just think it's a testimony to the power of peer pressure and the adolescent desire to "belong" that even after undergoing this treatment kids will defend the

Yeah, I had the same reaction when they opened a store near me. Why are these shirtless and unfeasibly tanned boys handing around flyers when it's about 5 degrees (Celsius!) outside? Can't they see how uncomfortable everyone is (and they were- most of the shoppers were looking fixedly at the ground)? Why are there no