Not a "People" Person

In some ways I think it's even more outrageous than that- although you are right, slaughtering the guests at the feast turns up in a lot of mythology- just because the guest right seems to almost be a sacrament to these people. Perhaps a more fitting analogy would be Henry II's knights murdering Thomas Becket while he

I think this is SO important to get across. The breaking of the bead and salt thing is such a basic violation, I honestly can't think of an analogy by today's standards. But the books make it pretty clear that even the Stark's enemies are horrified by what's happened; I think the Red Wedding is such a watershed moment

I've found that you can effectively break the shaving cycle, but you have to balls out the stubble period and get to a place where your leg hair is long enough that it starts to feel silky, which takes a good month or so in my experience. And then it's all fine except you start to feel prickly under tights. But smooth

Except pioneer women probably had too much other shit going on to worry about the smoothness of their legs.

Truth. Grad students are for the most part time and cash poor. Many of the best, most dedicated PhD students I know are not particularly healthy (and some are spectacularly unhealthy) because they literally pour everything they have into their research and/or teaching- sleeping more than 5 hours a night is a luxury

I agree. That looks like a very fun evening.

I'm sure that I read in her book that when she was younger she was considered to be "plain" compared to her sisters, which makes me wonder A) Just how gorgeous are her sisters?! and B) if that kick-started her love of a more crafted aesthetic- since she didn't figure herself as a "natural" beauty to begin with, maybe

I don't know that I would necessarily agree with that; Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr and Doutzen Kroes all have very "soft" faces with very rounded, traditionally feminine features, hardly the "Alien-high-fashion" face. In fact the only angel with what I would personally consider to be a high-fashion face I can think of

Agreed, how difficult would it have been for this person to retain a shred of professionalism and just say "For a variety of reasons, VS have decided not to offer any work to Kate for the foreseeable future, but we wish her well in her career."

I tend to think once someone's "attention-seeking" behavior escalates to a certain level it becomes a matter for concern anyway. It's possible she's faking a psychiatric breakdown, but the decision to fake such a thing would, to me, suggest mental illness of some variety in and of itself.

Spot on. Bynes is/was adorable, but she's not conventionally "sexy-looking" and I think she may have found this limiting in terms of her career. The way she uses looks to lash out at women who criticize her even when that's not what anyone was talking about anyway suggests she just can no longer see the world in any

A part of me thinks Twitter is just enabling this kind of behavior. My mother was always a big fan of the "if you can't say anything nice" rule, and it's one I have found to be the most useful in navigating adult conversations...but Twitter is basically there so people can air their every thought and passing whim. I

I mean, I totally buy that the kid was into this. When I was younger I was all about getting inside boxes or anything box-like, so I would absolutely have wanted to ride in the cage with the dog. But like you say, parenting.

Can I get one of each? I'd like to hedge my bets. Also it would probably be very interesting to watch.

Probably. My attitude is that, unless you're buying a brand-new house, the chances are fairly good that you're living somewhere where something bad happened to someone at some point. Maybe not as bad as a murder, but considering the number of suicides, overdoses, domestic abuse cases and regular old bad

Uh-huh. I know a couple of women who would happily enter into this arrangement, either because they actively subscribe to the same world-view as this guy, and/or because they think this is just what marriage looks like. And some people may regard it as a convenient arrangement that means they don't have to work for a

Those seem like really sensible rules, but I also think it depends to a large extent on the individual atmosphere and dynamic of the workplace you're in. I've worked on small teams where everybody is in constant contact and it could get a little...incestuous when people started dating/hooking up with other people on

Yeah, I sort of read "there's no sharing of inside information" as "I just can't be bothered to even pretend to care about what my wife thinks, does, or feels, or listen to her tiresome stories about what she's doing to the garden, how our son needs braces, or her raging Valium addiction. I write the checks and sex

I agree. I wouldn't describe myself as a nerd/geek (mostly because these groups in my high school were just as cliquey and unwelcoming as any other group, and I think it's something you have to grow up identifying as to take it seriously as a self-description) but I can well understand how/why this "Get out of my tree

Yeah, I'm from the U.K., and while I doubt it's in any way authentic, Indian food is relatively plentiful round our way. If you're doing it right, you won't even consider sex during your post-takeaway orgy of reclining, gently farting, and occasionally emitting a vast sigh of contentment. To be honest, the only