Not a "People" Person

Ha. I was very amused once reading one of my mother's old 70s cookbooks- it gave you menu suggestions for different occasions, one of which was "A Romantic Meal for Two." It was basically a bunch of light seafood and/or salad dishes (okay, it was the seventies- some of these salads featured jello) rounded off with

Agreed. It's very like the "It's not racist, in fact you're the one who's racist by making this about race!" argument, which could work in very sophisticated, Foucauldian sense were it not for the self-evident fact that it's complete and utter bullshit made up by people who can't be bothered to expend the smallest

I am so fascinated by my boyfriend's genitalia. Sometimes it's hard not to stare, but I try not to because it makes him self conscious.

I feel like there are two separate issues going on here. The first is that this guy doesn't like the way vaginas look. That in itself needn't be a problem, though it does suggest he has some physicality issues that it would probably be healthy for him to work on.

I LOVE H&M, even though the quality isn't always the best (I call them the Ikea of clothes). But they don't ship to my area and I don't have a store nearby, so usually I only shop there about once a year.

I hear you. I don't drive and I live in a smallish town- three of those five represent the vast majority of stores in my area. I already thrift and buy vintage as much as possible (I also sew things whenever I have enough time) but sometimes you need things that aren't so easily made and which would be, for me at

I honestly think a lot of men (and women, come to that) would prefer to cling on to the idea that conventionally gorgeous women are just *naturally* so, and think that seeing any of the actual work involved (whether it's dieting, exercise, or even just your average beauty routine) somehow invalidates the results.

And even if you are society-approved slim, you'll get heat for revealing any effort that actually goes into staying that way. "Why are you eating a salad? Men like a girl who can put away a whole steak!" They've got you coming and going.

Maybe he just didn't have an opinion at all and felt obligated to come up with something? I mean, I feel like this is what is missing from this article's already pretty narrow and offensive premise; sometimes people will find you neither attractive or unattractive, and that's okay. It's not like you always think

Or, my personal favorite: "I think she could lose some weight but she also seems very confident within her own skin – which is attractive to a man. We don’t like women who constantly moan about the size of their thighs or bum because, in all honesty, we don’t care that much."

The reaction to Jolie's decision has been so illuminating. Most people seem to be supportive, but it's been depressing to see so many commentors (not on Jez, but elsewhere) decrying her decision as an "overreaction;" I even saw one especially angry individual call her a "dumb bitch," apparently because they were under

This is just the clunkiest thing I have ever seen. I'm glad to hear it confirmed that he did in fact hire models instead of actresses, although apparently he also fed them their lines last-minute to ensure a "natural" performance (smooth move, Karl) so that probably didn't help none. And yes, apparently Chanel would

I love (by which I mean hate it, obviously) how he even acknowledges that maybe these women are training for marathons or are professional runners, then flat-out states he doesn't care because ugh, they still aren't "toned" enough. That's what we're up against, ladies- doesn't matter a shit what you want to do with

This doesn't really work as a comparison because these women all have slightly different haircuts. But I did correctly identify the most expensive.

I find it hilarious that this is a British-based survey, since in many parts of the UK the difference between summer and winter is nigh-on indistinguishable anyway. Where I come from in Wales it's pretty much like living in a leaky Tupperware container all year round.

I'm wondering of this is true "entitlement" as such or just trying to game the system. Most of the students I have to confront about their grade know damn well they haven't put the work in, but they've somehow gotten the idea that bluffing and bare-facing it out will let them get away with it. It's not so much that

Yep, I think it's a pretty eternal phenomenon for people to want more from a system than they put in. Maybe if they'd provided some non-material things (such as good health, strong family relationships) on the survey as well the results wouldn't appear so skewed.

"Twerking" is just such a horrible word. It sounds painful.

I'm British and I think she's probably innocent. I've yet to hear a convincing argument or scenario to explain her guilt, just a lot of expostulation as to why Americans supposedly all want her to be innocent. I've also heard a lot of Americans proclaiming that she's obviously guilty, so I really don't think

Nope. It's her job to dictate what other people should do with their hair.