Not a "People" Person

I agree. This is why focusing on size alone is deceptive; the fashion industry/the media in general focuses not just on one size but on one body shape almost to the exclusion of all others. It's why that cheerleader got called fat last week for having a slightly straighter waist than the other girls, and it's why

Good grief. Although you might be able to argue that Brad Pit's character plays a MPDGuy (although not pixie-ish or particularly manic) to Catherine Zeta Jones' character in Ocean's Twelve.

Of course! Baby's blood! It's so obvious now!

YES! I loved that episode. And she likes Velveeta! Seriously, I think MStew would be the best, most chillin' friend to ever get squiffy on white wine with at 2pm on a Thursday. I would also totally date her, if I thought I stood even the remotest chance.

I hate pelvic exams so much. Pap smears I can deal with (especially since in the UK you only have one done every three years after the age of 25), but I hadn't ever had a pelvic exam in my life until I moved to the US last year, and the whole thing was horrid. The bit where they shine that really hot lamp at your lady

Yeah, that seemed so weird to me! Seems like this was set up by someone for her though- maybe they thought bad spelling and grammar would make her less "intimidating" or something...

Martha Stewart is 71?!!? Good grief, I would have put her at about 54, if that...

Did anyone else immediately flash back to reading Animal Farm and bursting into tears on the bus when Boxer gets sent to the knacker's yard? I didn't even care that people were staring. "I will work harder!"

Oh lord, that first question is so horribly familiar. I was "that" person with the ever-lasting crush on a close friend back in college, and the whole situation sucked on many levels. I acted like a complete moron and in retrospect I wish he had just cut me off a lot sooner than he did. Mooning after that guy, who I

I'm very surprised she was the only one who swallowed it. But then, it seems like this was quite the upscale event- I really can't afford to have champagne more than once a year, so no way would I be leaving dregs. Presumably these ladies are too well-bred to be chugging their champagne and licking the inside of the

WHO would buy these!? It's not like you could wear them in public...I just don't understand...what?

Why would I pay $65 for mom jeans when I can purchase them at Wallmart for $9?

Agreed. I also think it's important to remember that, realistically, if it wasn't her it would be somebody else. The overwhelming majority of adulterers do not leave their partners for the "other woman/man," and they tend not to stay with them after/if their marriages fall apart (obviously this happens occasionally,

Yeah, I'm from the UK and it's not unusual there for young kids to either just wear bottoms or to go without anything on public beaches. Or at least it wasn't when I was growing up- things may have changed now. I have lots of photos of me wandering around either topless, bottomless or both as a toddler, because yeah,

I think that's a normal reaction. I'm curious too- I think it's really important to find out how and why this happened, how a seemingly normal kid with everything going for him decides to blow up a marathon.

There was almost certainly some enculturation at play, I think- like you say, normal people don't just decide to blow up marathons. I would be at all surprised if his older brother (who seems to have been less well-adjusted) hadn't indoctrinated him in some way, but coercion is another thing entirely and even if he

My major problem with this (apart from, obviously, the content) is that it's taking a lecture form. In other words, this will be his diatribe, in which he can frame the debate in his own terms and potentially without any contradiction or challenge; I know others have suggested that a Q/A portion could remedy this and

That's exactly what I think too. Or if not railroaded, I think his brother may have played a heavy hand in indoctrinating him into whatever rational there was for this. Obviously we don't know enough to tell yet, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the elder brother was the driving force behind this.

Yes, this particular lie enrages me. I suppose I should view it as confirmation of the ultimately doomed nature of the anti-choice movement that they have to invent lies because their existing rational isn't convincing enough, but I can't be that positivist. If you want to argue that life begins at conception, fine,

I live in Kansas. Think I'll go take an extra dose of my BC right now...