Not a "People" Person
not-a-people-person all accounts Tamerlan was definitely maladjusted and didn't fit in very well in his community, yet all I've heard about Dzhokar in the media is that he seemed like a really normal college student and socialized well with others.

Yeah, I've always thought I would do it the way my parents did- short town hall ceremony with close family with a pub lunch, preceded by a much larger engagement party some months before during which apparently half the town wandered in and out of my grandparent's house at various stages of drunkenness. They haven't

I think it's so interesting that the comments we've had from friends and acquaintances on the two suspects are so different. It seems like the older brother absolutely fits into the maladjusted-loner terrorist stereotype, but all I've heard about the younger brother was that he seemed like a normal, well-adjusted

Holy shit. Seriously, holy shit that is cold. How on earth did your family react?! Was this characteristic or was she under the influence of some kind of brain-addling wedding fever, not that the latter changes anything...

Maybe it's a regional, UK think, but I've always heard the phrase "main bedroom" more often. Or is it a working-class thing? Like patio doors instead of French windows?

Lord, just imagine how that would go: "And this girl...I dunno, she was someone's cousin, maybe? Or was she that girl I worked with for three months in the coffee shop? I think her name was Sarah, or Sara...but anyway, don't her shoulders look great?"

That's true. Idiots do make a disproportionate amount of noise on the internet. Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure this is why I take internet and e-mail free vacations whenever I can.

You know, I have to say I think it's part of a noticeable trend in our society, just recently, of being more bigoted and intolerant. I mean, it's not like the nineties were free of racism or sexism by any means, but just personally I've seen a big rise in people who just can't keep their nasty comments to themselves

Yeah, the MOB/G insanity is a whole other issue. My sister is not getting married for another two years, but her future MiL is already kicking up a fuss about the guest lists. She wants my sister and her fiance to drop a couple of their mutual friends in favor of her own second cousins, who my sister's fiance hasn't

That's kind of what I thought- how tremendously sad it is for this girl (though more so for her friend, of course) that she thinks she'll care so deeply about the tan level of her bridesmaids in the photographs in thirty years time. I can't imagine why this would take precedence over having your dearest and most

I disagree. It's true that marriages have historically been based on economics and power, but weddings as a public ritual also express codified religious and cultural values, many of them to do with family and community. They were traditionally gate-keeping rituals as much as anything else. Take that element away or

My theory is that it's due to the fact wedding no longer have much spiritual or religious significance for many people. I think in popular culture weddings have moved from being a ritual that was at some level about your connection to your community and your family, to being one that is just about signifying status;

Oh I think they'd laughed at in many places in the US too! That said, I used to love in London and Bristol and I saw a fair amount of new-age yogurt knitters.

I like to think that Fantasia fandom consists entirely of aging stoners.

Just goes to show Dolly was right, it takes an awful lot of money to look that cheap.

You know, I think that's kind of nice! Just goes to show there's a lid for every pot, as my mother used to say.

Maybe someone knows more about this than me, but I had heard that in many places in South Asia the bindi isn't regarded as particularly religiously significant any more and that lots of younger people wear it as a fashion piece.

That 90% stat is drawn from a composite of this year's London, New York, Milan, and Paris fashion weeks, so it's not just about the Netherlands.

Oh I hope so...but I'm also worried that if I didn't catch the snark, maybe some other similarly tone-deaf sexist people won't either? I mean, it would be a shame if a Tumblr designed to snark on ingrained sexism actually ended up being use to reinforce that sexism by MRA folks.

Yep, there's a world of difference between "I seem to find myself dating a lot of Asian women/a lot of my girlfriends have been Asian" and "I find Asian women very beautiful/I prefer to date Asian women." If you're actively seeking out a specific racial category, that's where the problem comes in.