Not a "People" Person

That is only hope is that these women are experiencing a moment of insecurity or frustration themselves and are lashing out. That's no excuse, but it would be preferable to the alternative, I guess?

OH GOOD GOD, someone actually said that? I'm trying to get together a paper on the American involvement in the Comfort system at the's just so shocking that someone would use that term! Especially since not many Americans know (or have cared to know) about that whole issue, so they must have known what

But aren't those two different groups? I mean, some people might give these couples the side-eye because they are aware of the racial issues and are hesitant about the possible dynamic (which is understandable but still problematic), but they wouldn't necessarily be the same women who think the women are bound to be

I'm from the UK and I've never ever heard someone describe people as "Oriental" IRL. I think it gets thrown around still as referring to an aesthetic (in fashion magazines, particularly, which we all know are absolutely the vanguard of political correctness) but it's definitely very old-fashioned and very imperialist.

Because if anyone could stand more appreciation and recognition, it's men (and mostly white men, at that). They truly are the unheard voice of our generation.

SO rude. And I mean, even if you've never seen anyone go through an addiction, even if you somehow feel totally justified in treating addicts with contempt, you should at least be able to muster up some regret at a tremendously talented young person dying before their time; if nothing else, you should be able to

Oh, the whole Thatcher thing. Yeah, I just couldn't get in on that- like yourself, I'm from a mining, working-class community, and I'm as left-leaning as anyone could wish for. It mattered not a bit to me that Thatcher had died. It's not like it would magically fix anything; the elderly Thatcher was not the sole force

The quintessential example of this, I think, was back in 2011, when the Norway attacks happened on the same day that Amy Winehouse was found dead. Soooo many people found it behooved them to post status updates along the lines of "Why are we wasting our time talking about a crack-addled fame whore when there are KIDS

Please, she can just use her un-spent tampon money for veneers!

Oh please. Everyone has had their personal version of The Dark Times. Living at home while you save up and work out job prospects is not an issue in the eyes of any sensible woman of this generation.

It depends on the person involved. If they're living at home because it makes good economic sense, or because they're saving for their own place, etc. then it's not a problem. In fact, the living situation itself is not the issue- it's much more about how much motivation the individual has, and it counts for both

Clearly, the only way to be sure of pleasing a man is to develop bulimia. Now he gets to eat a steak in company AND have his girlfriend be at a socially-acceptable-trophy-piece weight! I mean, sure, her teeth will rot, but if she really keeps at it she won't even shit or have periods any more!

True that. I had a fantastic Italian diet cookbook once, and it was amazing how easy it was to stick to- and you could even eat pasta semi-regularly because they were simple dishes without a tonne of cheese-based sauce etc. Olive oil, baby spinach and a few cherry tomatoes on my spaghetti? Yes, please. And garlic in

Classic example of sound advice delivered in such a way as to obliterate its value. If your friend says she doesn't have any particular motivation to date right now why not believe her? It sounds like she has a pretty awesome life- maybe she doesn't think it's necessary to be partnered up to enjoy what she has right

This doesn't seem very representative of the typical British dating scene. Shouldn't everyone have to bring a friend along who doesn't know when they've had to much to drink and then vomits over your shoes while you're holding their hair back outside? Does everyone go for chips afterwards?

I wish my fella would use any moisturizer, or even lotion; he gets extremely dry skin in winter and simultaneously fond of long hot showers. While the state of his skin never really strikes me, it's painful to watch him not be able to stop scratching at it. I've tried to get him to use just a dab of baby lotion or

Oh, they're braces? I thought she just had bad teeth. Either way it's not terribly clear why make-up would resolve her dental issues too.

Why are her teeth busted up too? Is Barbie secretly British under the make-up?*

Oh dear. You can sort of see what she was going for; I'm always being pushed to assign "creative" tasks for my students, and yes, frequently it leads to an engagement with the topic you wouldn't otherwise get. But I can't quite see what kind of engagement this particular assignment might produce. Maybe it would have

The support system is a really interesting point, I hadn't thought of that.