Not a "People" Person

Yeah, they've totally got it the wrong way around. The best way to get more Gosnells is to continue restricting abortion and making it more difficult for women to access clean, safe clinics that are properly and openly regulated. Anti-choice activists seem to argue that if abortion is illegal, women will just stop

Not only that, but many women who've just been through an abortion are incredibly emotionally vulnerable; even if you're staunchly and avowedly pro-choice an abortion is less than fun. These clinics are taking advantage of women who they know will be physically and emotionally exhausted and who will be more likely to

I'd agree with you that it's easier to get into than most of these places (not sure about Bristol though- maybe they're on a par?) but it is kind of known as a dumping ground for well-off public-school kids who couldn't quite make the grade for Oxford, Cambridge, or Durham. I mean, from what I've heard there's very

That's what I had always heard. Having sex in a car is just having sex in a car.

Though this isn't so much the case for summer lines. That's when you see the bronzer being strategically used by all the make-up artists. And certain retailers (eg: Victoria's Secret) definitely have a preference for lightly tanned models. I think it's about what image a designer etc. wants to project at a certain

Could our working/lifestyle habits be contributing to the upswing in rickets as well? Working under fluorescent lights for 9 hours a day 6 days a week is a pretty poor way of getting vitamin D. And the amount of time we spend watching television/playing video games/ on the computer can't be helping either.

I live in a college town and the number of tanning salons around here is just staggering. And they're pretty shameless about advertising to the college crowd- every spring coupon booklets are distributed on campus and they always have tanning offers in them. I think maybe the fashion has changed to a more subtle

I am so terrible at forgetting sunscreen. And I'm pale and burn easily, too. I think it's because I grew up in a rainy, dismal part of the UK where we had about 5 days of proper "sunshine" annually (usually while I was till in school) so your risk of actually burning was almost nil. I wear a BB cream with an spf 15

Yeah...really, really not. I wore uniforms in school all the way from infant school through to my last year before going to university. They are in no way a magic bullet that will negate all bullying, shaming, harassment or distraction. Poor or fat kids will, amazingly, continue to look poor or fat in a uniform (if

I'm not sure I agree with this. I think one of the reasons she has had as much success is because this is a style of writing we haven't really heard from a woman before. I think if she were a guy she'd simply be dismissed as immature, self-obsessed, and a Hunter S. Thompson wannabe. I think her writing is good, and

Actually I would care just as much about these people's privacy. The difference being that oftentimes these people choose to do something in a private sphere, as opposed to within a relationship. But still I personally nobody should lose their jobs for doing something idiotic while drunk unless it breaks the law. And

Well, for a start we don't know that. These could be perfectly nice women who happen to have broken up with someone who couldn't let go of a grudge. Or they could be women happily with current boyfriends who are lying to them, or with boyfriends who don't know their buddies have stolen the pictures and put them

I see where you're going...but yeah, we currently live in a world where men and women can be fired for having their sex lives aired in public, even when it's demonstrable that the party doing the airing is a malevolent, callous arsehole. I'm not sure that there IS any other material that could be as harmful- drugs

I don't think that's true- everyone is deserving of a certain, base-line level of respect. And publicizing material that you know will be harmful or hurtful to someone crosses the line from an absence of respect into active disrespect- that's why this is "revenge" porn, after all. Would you do this to someone who you

The point is that there's nothing unrespectable (or, indeed, disrespectful- the world is full of people I don't love but that's not a value statement about them as a person) about deciding you no longer love someone. It sucks for the person who is still in love, but its also just bad luck. They have in no way done

The whole thing that bugs me about the "marry young while you're still bangable!" argument is what happens in ten-twenty years when you're married and no longer "bangable" by this logic? If we're assuming that a hot ass is the only thing that will induce a man into marriage (which is hugely insulting to men as well)

Oh gosh yes, Sam's adorable.

Why is snort-laughing in an empty room so much more embarrassing than in company?

Why does Margaery Tyrell dress like an armchair? It baffles me so.

That is an awesome story. I hope when your parents/called/came home/ saw you ever at any point at all in the next ten years you were all like "Responsibility, hmmmm?"