Not a "People" Person

It is a glorious suit, but I personally prefer a bikini to a lot of swimsuits, probably because I have disproportionately sturdy thighs and having my tummy exposed evens it out. Also I find a swimsuit makes me focus on my tummy more, if anything; it's sort of like the dust-sheet/grand piano effect- the less material

I think this is going to turn out like many Luhrmann films: visually stunning enough to carry the first 40 minutes or so, then slowly winding down and ending up just stuttering around. I haven't heard yet how long it will be; if he can keep it to a decently succinct length he might just swing it, but I fear for the

Australia is pretty bad. Well, to be fair, it's a good movie with a completely extraneous and purposeless hour or so tacked on the end for no readily identifiable reason. Like Moulin Rouge, it's breathtakingly awesome in a purely visual sense for the first hour or so, then slowly starts to lose inertia. But whereas

To be fair, this entire film seems to be crammed with pretty people delivering terrible cliches with the barest modicum of interest, so, you know, maybe she'll fit right in?

Thanks! Yes, the plan is to let him take a few months once he's started counseling, and then talk again at the end of the year if things haven't resolved themselves. I don't want to push him into a decision he's not ready to make, but realistically we are on a timeline.

I think it sounds worse than it is. Every time I've asked him if he wants to break up, he emphatically says no. He's been a wonderful and supportive lover and a true friend for the vast majority of that time, so I don't think some hesitation about making a life-long commitment is too unreasonable. It's definitely

Because this is real life and not a romance novel?

I'm right there with you. Considering dropping out or finishing early because how can something I care about so little be worth so much stress? But if you love what you do, remember that this is just the shit part you need to go through to get on with the rest of your life.

That sucks, particularly since your friends aren't being supportive. I think you do need to let this friendship go though. Although he may say that he's moved on, he clearly hasn't and is acting out in the worst way. And that will probably not change until you are not in contact with each other. It sounds as though he

And even more depressingly, that would probably have ended up with her being fired without a reference and branded "unprofessional" by future employees.

It might be her job to stand there and look pretty, but it's not her job to get groped. And she's in a position where making a fuss there and then or even complaining about it afterwards might result in HER getting branded as "unprofessional," not the moron who can't figure out basic personal boundaries.

Okay, so my bf and I have been doing the long-distance thing for three years. Last year I moved to the U.S. from the U.K. for school, and now we're just a few states apart rather than an ocean. We've been discussing getting married since I came over, and initially we both seemed happy with the idea that I would finish

So I just gave an ultimatum to my boyfriend of almost four years. This gets a bit involved, so I'll continue in the reply...

I honestly can't quite work out what to make of her. Her piece on Whitney Houston was really good, quite affecting. But she's also written pure dreck, like her article for XOJane on the morning-after pill. She has that stream-of-consciousness thing going, which either works brilliantly or not in any way at all.

You know, a part of me thinks it's real easy to adopt a "fuck you" attitude when you don't have to worry about keeping a job or putting food on the table.

You know, I think it's interesting that so many people dislike Sansa on the basis of her haplessness, when I think she's really the character who most clearly demonstrates the implausibility of traditional gender roles. When we first meet her she's fallen hook, line and sinker for the "damsel in distress" narrative,

8 types of office mean girl? And there I was thinking the description "mean" would cover a range of anti-social activities!

I think it's the first-person narration that does it. Catelyn's emotion-driven actions seem really selfish and moronic in the series, but the book explores her thought process and shows that in many ways she's acting more sensibly than many of the people around her. I really dislike Jon Snow in the series, but I

Maybe it's different for different people, but I can't say I met that many people with whom I was compatible during college. Nor a huge amount afterwards, to be fair. I also think it depends on what you mean by "appropriate;" college does give you the advantage of numbers, but given that a large percentage of college

I'd also suggest there's a difference between quantity and quality. In college, you're all young and stupid to a certain degree; there may be lots of new people to date but that doesn't equate to a good dating experience. I don't know that that many people in college are looking for a long-term relationship or even