Not a "People" Person

I keep hearing this phrase, that as a millennial I won't do as well or better than my parents, and I think it's probably true. I'm not sure it's as terrible as everyone makes it out to sound, though. From where I sit, an awful lot (though by no means all or even most) of my parent's generation are very, very wealthy;

I really hate it when my parents talk about weight. Not so much my mother, although she has been complaining about her own weight for as long as I've known her and yes, it is depressing. But my dad is THE WORST. I lost a bunch of weight about three years ago and ever since then he's felt free to comment on my sister's

That stuff looks amazing! And it's on Amazon too! Thanks for the tip!

Okay, I have another vintage-clothing related question. I bought an absolutely gorgeous cream maxi dress off etsy about a month ago and when it arrived it had a lot of yellow-ish stains that were not visible in the (professionally taken) item photos or mentioned in the description. The seller was very apologetic, gave

It might also be a cultural thing- I'm from the UK and went to university near London, and people there do like to dress up and be really creative with their style (it can actually get a bit draining). Since I moved to the mid-west I've had to bring it down a few notches! And I totally agree that once you've been in

It's absolutely fine if that's what you want. Roll with it! I get a bit sad when I see a whole class of people doing it, though. Maybe it's because I always had a full school uniform when I was growing up, and college was really my first opportunity to develop my own sense of style and to work out what I liked about

I'd say it was a 30/40% split between leggings/jeggings and sweatpants, in that order. There's also a sizable minority (I'd say about 5%) who just wear pajamas. I mean, it's just a little depressing as my undergrad days were all about experimenting with clothes and trying out things you could never get away with in

Nothing about this story really made sense the first time around. The pictures are a little flirtatious, for sure, but no more so than similar images used by many other advertisers. Didn't seem like there was anything new enough there to cause such a ruckus.

I see a lot of students on my campus wearing the sweatpants. To classes, as well, which is a bit sad, but I guess they're comfy.

I believe I've actually seen variants on the "College Girl Diet" (mostly toast, black coffee, cigarettes, and booze) being purposefully marketed as a straight-up weight-loss plan. It never worked in practice for me, because my hangovers were always so unbearable that I had to down pints of full-sugar Coke (and in the

Dude, I have almost the opposite problem. No definite plans as yet, but my bf and I have looked at rings and while I'm all over the semi-precious, recycled-metals train, he's decided he just can't see himself proposing with something that isn't a diamond. Even though neither of us like them that much and the mark-up

I LOVE onegarnetgirl's designs. Also Patrick Irla's designs are to die for.

I've heard a lot of people say things like you need a really delicate face to pull one off, but I've never had more compliments than when I first got my pixie cut, and I certainly don't have "delicate" features (big nose, pointy chin and a VERY wide forehead). The thing is that not all pixies are the same, just like

Lordy. Honestly, if I'm going to be spending THAT much money, I would want to have good service when I do so. Maybe some of the sales ladies get jaded because they see 20+ customers a day all dropping big money? But the good ones will remember it's an experience for most people as well.

Yeah, a couple of newlywed friends of mine were particularly bad about this (the lady more so than her fella) and in the end I had to block her feed because it was just horribly annoying and a bit embarrassing. I don't mind people being gushily romantic IRL- I will happily sit and let you warble on about how your

It's only nonsensical if you think these laws should be enacted for people's health, instead of punishing women for having sex.

Why the fuck would anyone publish those pictures? I mean, seriously...I was already half way into a bottle of wine tonight, think I'll just curl up at the bottom and pretend the world doesn't exist...

I think they picked her because she's currently the most obvious example to use. Jez was pretty vocal about the terrible media coverage Jessica Simpson received as well. Unfortunately, most pregnant women so prominently in the public eye are going to be actresses/models of some sort (which is quite scary when you

They're not mutually exclusive. Yep, the Kardashian career path is symbolic of exactly the kind of nonsense we don't want anymore, and Jezebel has in the past pointed this out on numerous occasions (witness pretty much every snarky article or stub about their show for the last however many years). But making hurtful

The thing is, when we talk this way, even about the Kardashians of the world, it makes things a little bit worse for women everywhere. This isn't the kind of coverage where your average first-time mother can look at Kim and think "Well, if even she's putting on weight then maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about that 30