But maybe this is a side effect of the
But maybe this is a side effect of the
She is such a mom and I love her for it
I continue to struggle with the fact that several of the republican candidates are so clearly brilliant (Jindal- Rhodes Scholar, Cruz- brilliant legal mind, Carson- literally a brain surgeon) but are so, so stupid. If ever there were poster children for not assuming innate talent endows functionality, it’s these…
Much like television, Taylor Swift backlash, and Kim Davis, celebrity lifestyle brands are in their golden age.…
OR...it’s a common trick done by everyday regular people who don’t want to pay for alcohol when they are out at an event, say...an outdoor concert :)
I disagree. I think that self-identifying as a member of a group that you are not actually a part of makes it that much harder for members of the group to work to reduce stigma associated with being members of the group.
What killed me is her “I refuse to think of fat as a negative term” OK, great for you lady, that still doesn’t make you fat. Kindly fuck off with this nonsense.
Body dysmorphia sucks, but insisting to other people that you’re fat when you’re not actively harms people who are actually fat. This is Rachel Dolezal-level shit, and it needs to stop.
This woman bothers me so much. I studied the Victorian era extensively in school and she’s “living” in one very tiny aspect of it. Of COURSE she would choose to be a wealthy woman instead of dealing with the horrific poverty of the time. It’s myopic yet completely unsurprising.
Oh, I hope you like it too!
Your description is the first one to ever sound tempting.
This seems like a remarkably long-winded way to say “don’t let other people tell you how to have your own sex life.”
I’m one of the shrugger offers, although I’d say I have quite a high sex drive and would happily ravage Mr Hamsters on a daily basis. He’s got PTSD though, with long bouts of anxiety and depression, which completely kill his libido. The last time we had sex was December last year. I’m not saying I don’t miss sex but,…
Every heterosexual female friend with whom I’ve had an honest conversation about sex has complained about wanting sex more than her partner, and that’s a problem in my own life too. Worse yet, thanks to the images we’re shown our entire lives about men wanting sex constantly, we often feel like something must be wrong…
I’m on year 17 with my husband. I love him more than anything but we have the same problem that you guys do. It has really wrecked alot of my self esteem and made me question, well, everything. I love him, I’m not leaving and it’s complicated, but I don’t think I should have stayed. My very best wishes to you and…
Of all the suggested lifestyle scripts, none may carry as much internal strife as the one advising the right amount…
I’m in the same boat: the difference is I’m 22. This guy is awesome in almost every other way and I’ve never felt so comfortable to be myself with anyone before (including my family). Whilst our sex drives aren’t super removed I do worry that he’s in his sexual peak at 23 and it’s all downhill from here. We have…