
Thank you! I am a huge fan of the movie “Fandango”. Discovered it the year before I went to college back in the late 80s, and introduced it to several of my friends. Even today, no one I know now has never heard of it (although the TV show “Archer” had a DOM Easter Egg in one of it’s episodes.

Having been in the hospital too many times to count, I do highly recommend the sleep mask and headphones. The last four times I was admitted, I end up with older men as roommates, and they all have been doing the exact same thing; they turn on Fox News on their TV and leave it on. All...G*Damn...Night. It’s bad enough

I showed this to my son starting when he was little (he’s 23 now), to make sure he knows about one of the all time great Thanksgiving episodes.

I went into “Highlander” (1986) with absolutely no knowledge of anything about the film.  I think if I did I would have ended up hating the film back then.

Upgraded Unlimited plans on Verizon allow access to Disney +, ESPN +, and Hulu (with ads).

I felt that if anyone could pull it off, it would be Denis Villeneuve. I have enjoyed every movie he has made. I didn’t think a sequel to Blade Runner could equal the original, and yet he did IMO. Granted this is only one review, so I will be curious what other critics will say. I will definitely sit in a theater maske

Power to those who are at the age and have the time to watch all these different Star Wars and Marvel shows, but I’m burning out, and I grew up on Star Wars the original trilogy when it first came to theaters in ‘77 - ‘83!

Holy Crap!  That is awesome.  Thank you!

It’s obvious what the main strategy of the Republicans are in this hearing.  Since they cannot debunk the facts in the report, they are instead attacking Mueller’s credibility and providing conspiracy alternatives.

I feel your pain, brother...I feel your pain.  (Guilty as well)

My wife: “Why are you watching Jaws...again...on Netflix? You own the movie!

Any clue which Godzilla movie?  I’ve never seen 2014's, and granted I know it didn’t get great reviews, but I do want to see that.  I guess just as long it isn’t the awful 1998 version.

I’ve done this before, but our problem with snow in SW Missouri is that it tends to bring ice first.  Once the snow is off the car, it’s still scraping time to get the ice off.  That’s especially a pain with newer cars, they don’t warm up as fast idling in the driveway.  They warm up faster when driving, which you

If anything, this is helping identify which of my friends to stop talking to.

I swear, every pic I see of John Schnatter he looks drunk and sweaty

I’m not an anime fan, but I do admit, these look effin’ cool.  Good Job!

“learned he’d been walking ‘wrong’ his entire life.”

Bonus points for the John Mulaney video.