I don’t know if it deserved to be that high up, but I was happy to see “Brazil” on the list.
Of all the movies listed, A.I. was the only one that I just absolutely hated. I remember just being bored with it, and it made my wife cry, and not in a good way.
Strange Days always has been underrated. I loved that movie when it came out, but whenever I’ve mentioned it to other people, they have absolutely no clue what I am talking about.
And an extra point for anyone who read your comment in a faux Simpsons’ Tom Brokaw voice.
Ladies and Gentlemen, “Florida, a red state.”
Great, now I have to go onto YouTube and dislike the video I saw and delete it from my history so he doesn’t keep fucking appearing on my “recommended” list. That’s time I’ll never get back.
The News Ticker spelled “Kushner” as “Kosher”. It took me a moment to catch it too.
I truly believe the Trump administration is following the “Prepare three letters” strategy, and they are still on the first envelope, “Blame your predecessor”.
What’s with “The Force Awakens” image?
I guarantee you the pilots more than once probably thought about putting on their masks and turning off the oxygen for the duration of the flight.
Well, not only do I need a shower after watching her ad, but I now have to go directly to Youtube and delete her video from my history so other shit like that shows up in my “recommended” feed.
Oh, the crowd was “yuge”. That’s not white tarp you see, that’s just all the KKK members showing their support. They’re blended in. (sarcasm intended)
Looks like a good month! I will always be a year behind since I do not have cable, but I’m excited for Archer!
The reporter should have followed up with a “playing dumb” question by asking “ can you remind me who is Frederick Douglass?”
I don’t care for them. There’s a lot of groups I don’t care for. You know what I do? Don’t listen to them. Fucking let it go dude, all you are doing is making your own life miserable, and then wasting our time with your shit.
I didn’t watch the trailer.
You know, it’s not friendly to say, but...