
Seriously. I’m super duper white and the first thought in my head when I read this was how much I hate white people. Watching these entitled, awful people treat this man the way they did especially makes me sick as here in Canada we are equally terrible to our First Nations people.

god you’re lame.

It’s extremely obvious that though there may be westernized Muslims that actually believe Jihad to mean something about Spiritual Struggle or some other inward-facing ideal that there are countless millions of others that believe the words in The Quran are to be taken literally.

update the bible then too, since it advocates eye gouging and stoning and warring and and and and and

And yet, somehow, Christian and Jewish societies don’t throw gay men off buildings

“is “working” somehow neoliberal?”

My favorite fact of this movie is that Loeb had his assistant director handle most of the scenes, and she was telling actors how to exactly say their lines (cadence, delivery, etc.) to which JOEY FREAKING LAWRENCE screamed at her and told her that what she was doing isn't how acting and directing works.

99 out of 100 scientists: “Climate change is real, it’s man made and it’s worse than we ever thought.”

Old white male British biologist turns out to be a eugenicist and to have stolen credit from a woman?

It’s also basically the platform of the Democratic party.

Media HAS to have a centrist bias. Otherwise, they’re Fox News or Slate. What’s the point, unless we want to live in our own echo chambers? In the United States, which is still on global terms a right-leaning nation, an objective, centrist media is absolutely the goal.

Centrism isn’t “objective” or free of bias. It is its own set of shitty subjective beliefs that will lead us to certain doom. How you can be alive in 2019 and not get this boggles the mind.

Bills like this are precisely the reason it is time for Democrats to abandon their policy of not sending bills to the Senate that they are unsure will pass. It’s a lame, cowardly move that takes nobody anywhere.

No, it’s a good bill from what I’ve seen and contains a lot of popular elements like outlawing gerrymandering of federal districts. It’s worth running on even if Fox calls it the Voter Fraud Bill. 

I believe it directs that congressional districts be redrawn in a non-partisan manner, under Congress’s Art. I power to control the elections of its members. It probably can’t tell the states how to run state-level districts.

So, if this bill is what we want it to be, and there’s no drawbacks to it (or, at the very least, the drawbacks are far, far outweighed by the obvious positives this bill sets up), and Mitch says no, isn’t that a GREAT issue to speak on? Like, “hey, we introduced this bill to make politics less shady and also allow

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Since the start of Trump’s turn, with a Congress completely under his control, the national debt increased $2 trillion. But somehow, the burden of budgets and debt is always placed on the left. It’s time we let that shit die.

You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.

I unironically love this video. It’s silly and nerdy and if anything made me like her more.