
You don’t know the history of the DeVos’?

Omigawd, stop the presses, Clinton SOMEhow knew that somebody might ask her a Flint-related question in Flint...?? How could she know such a thing? Witchcraft, that’s how! She’s a wiiiiitch! Burrrrn her!

Clinton’s campaign received word of a debate question in one of the primary debates, not one of the debates with Trump. It was the debate in Flint. What highly sensitive information did Donna Brazile leak to the Clinton camp about the debate, in Flint?

It was floated during the Iraq War that the US was “starting another Crusade” into the Middle East. I don’t buy that, I think it was a culture of privatized Intelligence and defense contracting run amok, but Jeremy Scahill detailed Erik Prince in his book, Blackwater. Prince truly is a “Christ put us on this Earth to

Didn’t Megyn Kelly say in her book that trump was given all the questions from the debate she moderated?

Wait a second. Stop the presses. Hold your horses. Back it up. Betsy DeVos’ fucking brother is the founder of Blackwater? Did they grow up above the Hellmouth in Sunnydale?

I don’t understand how lying about getting a BJ was enough for a president to stand trial to be possibly impeached but the amount of intel proving treasonous and illegal acts before and while in office isn’t?   

Just a friendly reminder that we had 33 hearings into Benghazi and millions of dollars spent over several years which turned up nothing. Now they’re circling the wagons to protect foreign intervention into our election (which all intelligence agencies agree happened). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.

This guy!

It’s illegal to act as the agent of a foreign power to influence elections unless you declare yourself to be one. Feds are going to have to decide whether to start popping people under FARA pretty soon.

The mercers are completely Insane. I do not understand why billionaires insert themselves so much into these politics. I mean I understand greed and wanting lower taxes, but why do they care so much about being antigay rights or school choice or whatever shit that will never affect them?! These billionaires seems so

With these leaks coming out, escalating craziness from the White House, and Trump’s depressed toddler tantrums getting more frequent/intense, I truly believe in a month he’s just going to resort to tweeting “I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! Here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!”

Also, if Trump does not have a case of backpfeifengesicht*, I don’t know who does.

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens

“We’re going to give them a little bird and when the bird stops living they know they need to do the work at another place. This is going to be the most bigly mine. I would date this mine if this mine were a woman and not a mine.”

“You don’t think there are some Democrats who generalize all Republicans as Nazis?” Sure. Why is that at all important to the conversation? My uncle calls anyone who is a liberal a communist. That doesn’t mean I start hyperventilating if a podcast is released that starts demonizing communism... because I’m not a

Who said all? You did. Fuck off with that dumb shit.

‘Liberals calling all conservatives Nazis’...

They use that “snowflakes” term quite frequently and I always found it kind of funny. I’ve never seen people whinge and cringe and whine and cry so much as these “hard core bad ass conservative patriots”. If the “Founding Fathers” whom they worship with a religious zeal saw these little cry babies they’d roll their