
I can’t figure out if he’s totally oblivious to his administration swirling the drain, or if he realizes he’s in some serious trouble?

he never sleeps

Yeah, but her her emails, tho...wait,wut?

This man is a fucking thin skinned coward. I sincerely hope the Press goes through with it, using the most awful mock-up dummy of Trump they can find, sitting on a chair.

I was kind of hoping that he would attend and die from a rage-stroke halfway through the opening remarks. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wait for Colonel Sanders to finish him off instead...

Yes. Good thing the guy running the White House doesn’t need a safe space, like us whiny triggered libruls.

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

There were also rumors right after Brexit that Farage was trying to get German citizenship through his wife. He’s a vile, repulsive little toad.

Nigel Farage, a man who hates immigrants and ever since “winning” the EU Referendum has spent most his time in the US as an immigrant.

If your goal is to ultimately work “crazy hours” and get paid pennies, and that “the shittier parts of Brazil or Nigeria” is where the bar should be set for worker protections all so some of the most grating people on the planet can be billionaires, well brother, I hope you achieve it.

CPAC...what a bunch of special snowflakes. Lets see if we can get them some therapy dogs and bunny gifs bc Milo triggered them so badly.

Oh, look, the conservative right is violating the First Ammendment rights of Free Speech hero and champion Milo! The horror! Where will this PC/SJW/Liberal Bleeding Heart bullshit stop???

Trump and Yiannopoulos. These are your people, right-wingers. The cream of your crop.

Yep. Where are all the concern trolls from the earlier articles on Milo at Berkeley who were decrying libtards for suppressing “free speech”?

Yesterday I learned that this ‘man’ is only 31 years old and I still can’t believe it because all the reasons.

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

Cause the Clintons built the bomb in the basement of that Pizza place with no basement while on a break from molesting children

It’s ALWAYS the left’s fault. That is talk radio’s #1 meme.

Trump is going to make us pay over the next four years for the fact that he’s not endowed with...popularity the way Obama was. What happened on inauguration day and the fact that Hillary beat him in the popular vote will always rub Trump the wrong way so he won’t stop lashing out. There’s more of this to come.