
Not only that, he has ACT for America and The Faith Leaders whispering in his ear. The former is demanding Muslim Brotherhood be declared a terrorist organization (the Brotherhood disavowed violence decades ago, but other radical groups claim inspiration from them) Here’s an excerpt from the Politico article,

Unfortunately, this is one of the more popular ideas that Trump has. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some who lean Democrat who also support this horrendous policy.

Nothing to do with anything but he also lies about how tall he is.


I mean, I straight-up have video of it. You can hear loud bangs and see flashes and pops of smoke. Amazing that they’d attempt to deny any of that.

The entire Washington Post newsroom saw it happen because it was right outside the window. The police kept denying it even as reporters were like, “Uhhhh we have footage/bleeding ears.”

I think it would be easier to make a flow chart of what Trump and the feds aren’t doing wrong. :O

Can confirm the indiscriminate use of flashbangs; I was about 100 feet away from them* when they were going off and those things are fucking loud. The police would throw them down and then rush forward at the same time, grabbing anyone who was too stunned to back away.

I need a legit flow chart of everything Trump / the Government is doing wrong, updated by the hour.

Does anyone want to turn this into a website with me?

Hijacking by Black Bloc anarchists is how legitimate protest gets subverted. Divisive disruption by agent provocateurs and stigmatization of peaceful protesters by associating them with violent anarchists are well-known tactics to subvert nonviolent social movements. This isn’t really something I feel like snickering

The new’s networks ratings are down and everything is boringly sane and normal?

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

Yeah, me too. I was gaslighted in a long term relationship. There are days when I wonder if I’ll ever really recover. No one who hasn’t been there can really understand.

Ouch. I’d feel sorry for her, but she isn’t exactly being held against her will.

“But aren’t we kind of doing the “SMILE, WOMAN, SMILE!!!!” thing to Melania that we all hate so much in our own lives?”

I feel like it’s important to note there were some well reported shady dealings around her marriage to Trump that may preclude the idea that she is in this for the money. After he met her, he decided he liked her, and flew to Slovenia to meet with her father, a Slovenian businessman. It seems like much of the

Hold up. Before I get completely excorciated, allow me to fall on the sword. I was reading it today on my phone from a work meeting and didn’t properly vet it. I’m a mom to a 10 yr old and she has friends who have FB pages so I didn’t find it out of the realm of possibility. My off-hand comment to someone here isn’t

That’s what I see too, the victim of abuse. She says and does what she needs to do to survive in that horrible relationship. Yes, she’s said and done some awful things, but the more I learn about Drumpf and his ties to the Russian mob, and how Ivana (his first wife) lived in fear for her life from the Russian mob, the

THIS is why ‘they’ hate Obama.

I agree. She’s a victim - in an abusive, controlling relationship and can’t leave. She also loves her son and is terrified of how trump would publicly destroy her. Of course she speaks for him - she has no choice.