
His resignation?

The full quote is more chilling and makes what this is about much more explicit, I think:

This is horrifying.

It’s not universities that invite him. It’s usually a student group (like the College Republicans). A public school cannot turn Milo away without violating the 1st amendment. The only reason they can deny him is if they can say that his speech would cause a security threat, or if the expense of hiring extra security

Not to mention that these right wing assholes are always droning on and on about the “First Amendment” but when there are protests (the very definition of exercising First Amendment rights) they complain about it.

You realize that he turned the whole school he last talked at against a trans student, right? One who had to change schools for her own safety? Not everyone has the privilege to just ignore this guy through his hissy fits.

Well he claims to be Gay but given his history (which is trying to be a bigot here in the UK where we told him to fuck off before he moved to the US) I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s faking it to have a “minority” image to his alt-right crap.

I don’t believe this guy is a “true believer” in any sense. He’s “chaotic evil” if you pardon my nerd jargon. Just generally wants to sow hatred and whip people into a tizzy for his own amusement and self-aggrandizement.

I’m so right there with you. Bring it on fucks.

This, they always say the left is fragile and has no “balls”, and then when we mobilize and flex on them they cry like the little emasculated bitches they truly are. They want to call us leftist thugs, so be it. This liberal is ready for a fight.

Yeah, he blames women for why he’s gay (dude’s a grade-A red pill type).

Oh, don’t know know milo fucks black dudes? He’s not racist! His near exact words. There’s so much to unpack there it’s not even funny, but I’ll try. Basically, milo sees black men as sexual objects, and by having sex with them, somehow absolves him of his bullshit.

I get an over whelming serial killer vibe from Milo.

Oh, he’ll let you know he prefers black men. Even if you don’t ask.

Sociopaths don’t feel shame.

Nope. He should never have been there in the first place and UC Davis has got to be out of their goddamn mind if they thought that would go down there without a fight. I’ll take left wing thug over outright bigot any day.

Milo loves being a pretend victim; this is his Christmas.